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Author Topic: has octave button issue been resolved? (personally or systemically)  (Read 2472 times)


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Has octave button issue been solved?

I bought a MicroBrute used during a gear binge a few years ago and it slowly has become central to my setup. Just starting to find the octave down button doesn't always work on the first press, and I have read here and elsewhere that this is an issue.

I will fix this one if I can (anyone tried?) but if I can't, I've gotten a lot of good use out of this (I bought it used 2 years ago at least,) and would replace it IF the issue has been addressed in newer batches.

Anyone have a Micro that's a year old or less who is experiencing octave button issues?  Anyone have any success at cleaning or replacing octave buttons? Be a shame if this is an inevitable obsolescence-maker in an otherwise great little synth...


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Re: has octave button issue been resolved? (personally or systemically)
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2018, 08:55:43 am »
I have benefited from reading this content a lot. I want to tell everyone.


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