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Author Topic: Working with an external keyboard/synthesizer - Reface CS and BSP  (Read 3844 times)


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I've got a BSP and a reface CS about two weeks ago, I really like the idea of the unit but there's some limitations which I think there should be some solution for them which I haven't figured out yet, it would be great if you could help me.

Here's my setup:
Yamaha Reface CS connected via midi out to bsp's midi in,
bsp midi out connected to Reface's midi in.
BSP's Clock out connected to Volca Sample's sync in and the volca to a monotribe via Sync out and in.

Here's what I would like to do:
1.Play on Reface, sequence and loop it with BSP.
2.being able to play live on Reface at the same time the BSP is playing a sequence.
3.separately record unique sequences on each sequencer(sequencer1,2&drum)  from one input(Reface)

and my problems: soon as I connect the Reface midi out to the BSP's midi in , a high pitched noise comes out from Reface , and also from Volca Sample. I checked everything , the cable , clocks ,etc. the only problem can be reface's midi output or BSP's midi input.(or maybe the whole midi loop setup?)
2.playing on Reface while a sequence is playing , transposes the sequence based on the note I play. I saw this problem on another topic but didn't see a real solution. doesn't matter which sequence is selected while recording, whatever I play on the reface will be recorded on all the sequencers.(I guess it can't be counted as a general problem but a personal problem ;D)
 is there a workaround? I tried muting but that doesn't work. if there was a way to exclude a sequencer from recording that would help a lot.

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 03:10:03 pm by rampedramped »

I grec

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Re: Working with an external keyboard/synthesizer - Reface CS and BSP
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 04:37:36 pm »
Hi rampedramped,
Quote soon as I connect the Reface midi out to the BSP's midi in , a high pitched noise comes out from Reface , and also from Volca Sample. I checked everything , the cable , clocks ,etc. the only problem can be reface's midi output or BSP's midi input.(or maybe the whole midi loop setup?)
Strange. Try to monitor with MIDI OX what is coming out from Reface MIDI out.

2.playing on Reface while a sequence is playing , transposes the sequence based on the note I play. I saw this problem on another topic but didn't see a real solution.
Normal behavior. You need to set you Reface to send on a different MIDI channel than the 3 BSP sequencers MIDI input channel.

3.separately record unique sequences on each sequencer(sequencer1,2&drum)  from one input(Reface)
Either your Reface sends on all channels, either you set your 3 BSP sequencers on the same MIDI In channel (SHIFT + CHAN).



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Re: Working with an external keyboard/synthesizer - Reface CS and BSP
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 04:00:24 pm »
Thanks for the answer :),
The reface sende midi via channel no.1 so I think whenever I want to record on a sequencer I should change its channel to "1" and change it back to another channel after record. also the transpose problem is solved with this solution(every sequencer being on a channel other than 1)
  it's a little tricky , I wish there was a way to record on a track just by selecting it(although I guess that would interfere with other features) , selecting channel, changing it , etc. seems like too much work and interferes with the flow of music.


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Re: Working with an external keyboard/synthesizer - Reface CS and BSP
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2019, 06:12:45 pm »
Hi again.
After about a year I have solved pretty much every issue I had with the bsp and Reface CS integration but still two things haven't been solved yet:

1-sometimes pushing a button in bsp like record or sequencer buttons triggers a note on reface which can never stop until I restart reface or bsp, it's a very serious problem which can really ruin a live jam and happens most of the times in +40min sets.

2-Also sometimes the octave change button on bsp doesn''t work for no reason.(even when the record button is turned off)

3-would appreciate any workaround which can enable me to record directly on reface without the need to mute sequencers on bsp (if I don't mute them they will also be recorded in reface's own memory)

and wishlist:

I would like to be able to:
_select only a part of sequence to play back(select first step as well as the last step)
_change the polyphonic(drum) sequencer's octave without need for a computer or stopping the sequencer
_a mode in which any sequencer I select automatically becomes the only sequencer on channel no.1 therefore no need to change channel for recording on it

ps: I came back to this thread over a search and was really surprised how someone else had the exact same equipment as me :)))
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 06:15:34 pm by rampedramped »


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Re: Working with an external keyboard/synthesizer - Reface CS and BSP
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2021, 07:47:58 pm »
Hi rampedramped,

I'm having kinda same issue, I sent you a pv message,

Looking forward :)



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