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Author Topic: countless issues with beatstep pro.  (Read 3159 times)


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countless issues with beatstep pro.
« on: January 28, 2018, 11:47:04 pm »
Hi guys,

I'm looking some help with my beatstep pro, had it for around 6-8 weeks now and having nothing but problems with it. im running the latest firmware update. with a midi thru on the output one to drumbrute and the other to a mutable insruments shruthi, then out of the shruthi out/thru into a microgranny sampler.

Beatstep pro is the master clock for everything.

seq 1 Microbrute via cv

seq 2 shruthi midi channel 1

Drum seq drumbrute chan 10 and microgranny chan 6

First issue

on my drum seq, the bottom row of pads and top 2 left are set to midi channel 10 driving sounds on my drumbrute via midi out on channel 10, and the remaining 6 on the top row are driving my bastl instruments microgranny on channel 6. The drumbrute goes out through individual drum outs into my mackie desk as does the microgranny through a single output.

whenever i have a loop going, and the rhythm gets more than say 5 or 6 parts going, especially when 2 sounds are played on the same step, (1 on drumbrute, 1 on microgranny, i get a ducking effect from the beatstep pro which almost mutes the drumbrute gates and velocity. its very odd. (its definitely not a mixing desk or compression issue. ive troubleshooted all that. only happens with the drum seq when both instruments are done via midi from the beatstep pro. (doesn't happen through desk when i sequence on the actual drumbrute and loop the same sounds on the microgranny at the same time so its definitely a midi issue with the beatstep. and its only the drumbrute that gets quieter, not the sampler.  even if i mute the smapler on the drumbrute, or the mixing desk the same ducking occurs until i delete the notes from the microgranny and it returns to normal.


second issue

random note firing and missing, its really annoying, it almost sounds like the randomness and probability encoders are not muting when set to zero. i repeatedly check i doesn't have a value yet it still happens. very annoying

third issue

the machine gets stuck in loop mode at least 5-10 times a day. its getting beyond ridiculous now its starting to become unusable.

Fourth issue

The unit gets midi notes stuck on when pausing or stopping a sequence. whilst its not a bad issue as it doesn't happen whilst playing, its annoying as i have to turn it completely off when resting instead of just leaving it on standby whilst away from the desk.

Fifth issue

my saved patterns keep disappearing for no apparent reason. ill come back to it after saving, powering off, and half the patterns i has saved have disappeared. They havent even reverted to the old versions i had overwritten, they are just completely gone.

Any help would be greatly appreciated before i either throw it out of a window or tear my hair out trying to get it working properly.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 12:51:32 pm by al16bit »

I grec

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Re: countless issues with beatstep pro.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 05:32:27 pm »
Hi al16bit
First issue
What is a ducking effect? I am almost certain the BSP has no issue regarding this. Try looking at what is sent via MIDI (with MIDI OX or some MIDI monitor tool) and tell us.

second issue
Your device may have a corrupted memory. It is mandatory to use the last MIDI Control Center version when performing a firmware upgrade (expecially for transistion from firmwares before v2.0.0.2 and post v2.0.0.2). To ensure your memory is clean, you need to download the latest MCC, backup your projects with it and perform a reset factory on the BSP.

third issue
Mayba a hardware issue with your touchstrip. Try a reset factory procedure to be sure

Fourth issue
Try a reset factory.

Fifth issue
Try a reset factory.




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Re: countless issues with beatstep pro.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2018, 06:00:04 pm »
a ducking effect like when using a side chain compressor. the volume dips and is very low on the drumbrute kicks nut nothing else is effected but the volume is  constant on the sampler as i described. and only returns to normal when i delete the sampler note on the same step. it even happens when the sampler is muted on the beatstep or the mixer and the midi is still actively playing on the sampler but not being sent anywhere, so its definitely an internal issue.

ive tried a factory reset several times now. even without backing up my patterns to ensure nothing came back across that might be a issue.

im also using the upto date mcc

anything ive tried changes nothing im afraid, ive tried all this prior to posting here.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 06:12:47 pm by al16bit »


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