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Author Topic: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction  (Read 6678 times)


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Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« on: January 22, 2018, 05:11:17 am »
This is my first post in Arturia. I am a complete newbie. So I don't upset anyone or waste peoples time, I need some basic help. I tried to get into software synths years ago when the original Korg Legacy software came out. I had really no idea what I was doing & I had latency issues. Being frustrated with it & limited sounds at the time, I pass on pursuing it anymore....till now.
   I made the leap; recently bought a Windows gaming system (I7 with 16 gigs RAM, 256 SSD +(2 TB HDD) & an 8 gig nvidia video card. Point is that this should be enough.
   I purchased the Arturia Keylab 61 (the better one with the wood sides) & now have the complete V collection 6 downloaded. I'm "assuming" that I can still use this as a stand alone. So my real question is this: once I install the downloads, where do I start? Is there a tutorial on using this? If so, does anyone have the link? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2018, 06:00:41 am »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Very short.

A Gamer PC can be fine. But while gamer computers often put lots of weight on the graphic cards performance, then a computer for PC put more weight on the CPU performance. A thing like a high CPU base clock rate/ speed (without turboboost and alike) pr core is very important.

Also the soundcard is important. I'm for example not sure you will get good enough performance using Windows own drivers and the standard build in soundcard. You can try.
The soundcard and it's drivers performance is important for latency. I for example use a external soundcard with ASIO drivers. Some use more exspensive PCI soundcards.
Also the sound you hear while you play your instruments depend on the quality of your soundcard. But that does speakers, headphones and other things too. You have to find out, what's good enough for your needs.
A good soundcard with good fast drivers can reduce latency issues.
The more instruments you use the more it can require of your systems performance. But that depend on other factors too.

You can start with Arturias manuals to set up your standalone applications. Manuals can be downloaded here: https://www.arturia.com/support/updates&manuals
Look for the section: "Audio and MIDI settings".
(But also read other parts to get started. Also read your keyboards manual.)

To get low latency you should not have a too high buffer. You can start with 512 samples. For me that's too high. The lower you set the buffer, the more it demand of your CPU, but you will get lower latency.
The higher you set the samplerate the more it demand of your CPU. Many use 24 bit and 44100 or 48000 Hz samplerate, and you can start with that. Some use 16 bit 44100 Hz only. Some use higher settings of bit and/ or samplerate.
If you overload your CPU somehow, then you will hear crackles and perhaps exsperience sound stops, as a result of latency issues because your CPU can't mange the load you put on it. Then the load put on the CPU needs to be less somehow. You get issues if only one core is overloaded, and thats why the CPU base clock rate/speed  is very important.
You can find many articles about this topic on the web.

All of this can require you read more about it to get an idea about what the different part does and such. But perhaps this is enough, at least as a start.

I hope this helps.  Have fun.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 06:27:06 am by LBH »


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2018, 10:52:56 pm »
Thanks for your help. My processor speed is 3.6 ghz. so it’s fine on the handling of the programs. I will be investing in a superior sound card. Any suggestions? I’m hoping that should do it. Thanks again.


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2018, 11:41:19 pm »
Your welcome.

Yes it look like you have a great processor. Better than mine i assume. You computer seems to be very good.
I can add, that HDs less than 7200 RPM is not recommended for audio production, and it's recommended to spread the workload over multiple HDs if you use HDs. But perhaps you don't use the HD that much for what you wan't to do. Just wanted to inform you, as that can coarse issues if your disk can't keep up with a task you require of it. In this case i especially think about if you use other products than Arturias.
I use only SSDs on my main music computer. But i use a HD on my laptop. Again it's much about usage and needs.
Here is an article, that can give you an idea about what's good for what: https://support.image-line.com/knowledgebase/base.php?ans=214
This is only one view at it. I don't use FL Studio, so it's not a promotion for FL Studio form my side.

I will not suggest any soundcard. It also depend on your needs.
Perhaps this article can give you an idea about what to look for: https://support.image-line.com/knowledgebase/base.php?id=55&ans=62
But search around.

And as said, then perhaps you can do with your build in audio using either windows direct audio drivers or the free ASIO4ALL driver. You can try it out. If you use windows 10 (or MAC core audio, but i think you use Windows), then it has improoved audio driver performance. And perhaps the soundcard you have is good enough for your needs.

You can allways go to a store and try other soundcards.


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2018, 03:30:18 am »
Is it possible to run more than one Keylab keyboards on Analog Lab 3? (A 61 & a 88 key)?


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2018, 03:34:50 am »
I forgot to ask earlier. My desktop is the workstation but I obviously need to work this on my laptop. It is an Intel I7  2.4 ghz  16 gig RAM 1TB. Will 2.4 still be enough?


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2018, 02:24:02 pm »
Is it possible to run more than one Keylab keyboards on Analog Lab 3? (A 61 & a 88 key)?
I don't know about your keyboards. You can ask in the forum for your controller or Arturia support.
I know of this problem: https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=92145.msg147160#new - but if the same apply to Analog Lab i can't tell.


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2018, 02:29:40 pm »
I forgot to ask earlier. My desktop is the workstation but I obviously need to work this on my laptop. It is an Intel I7  2.4 ghz  16 gig RAM 1TB. Will 2.4 still be enough?
As you might understand now, then the answer depend on many things. Apart from the things mentioned in my previous posts, then also the applications, the number of voices and how you play have an impact on how much CPU power you need.

So the best answer to give is, that if you in any way for example have a single instance that with the settings you have for you whole system and the way you use the application put to much load on a single CPU core, then you are in trouble no matter how much CPU power you have left on other cores.

With a 2.4 GHz you perhaps can get this troubles, but you can also just as well be able to run quite many instances at the same time using the same CPU. I have a good main music PC. But i can also use my quite old i7 2.3 GHz laptop for quite many things. Some don't need more. It all depend on ones needs, and how one work. In a DAW there is ways to free up CPU power on recorded  MIDI tracks.
If you get in trouble, then you can find out, if there is someting to do in that situation.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2018, 06:14:10 pm by LBH »


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2018, 06:02:48 am »
Thanks LBH. I just ended up buying an older mac with the necessary specs I needed & it works like a charm. Thanks for all your previous help.


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Re: Total Newbie- Need guidance or direction
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2018, 07:53:04 pm »
Hi l8rdood,
Your welcome.
Have fun with your new toy.


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