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Author Topic: MIDI Assign problem  (Read 14576 times)


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Re: MIDI Assign problem
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2018, 06:09:10 pm »
Thanks for you follow up.

I guess you can only ask Arturia to do the tests you show them.

You can also give them a link to this thread.

I'm on Windows 10. So i can't say much about MAC stuff.

Also i can't say much about Arturia controllers.
But one thing that i still can't understand in the things you write, is all the thing about CC numbers and things like when you write "I also asked him how Arturia think you are supposed to be working with the different maps in the Essential 61, since there are only a few controls in the software synths that has a midi number assigned."
To me this is just confusing the issues, as i see them. Why change CC numbers all the time, especially when it's to use for the same plug-in or device?
The things we have talked about don't require you change your controllers CC numbers to work, or to show the issues there is.

The issues as i see them are:
1. The applications configs are not working correct. Even if a control on the GUI is moving, then for some configs the wrong parameter are affected. Like you described in reply #11 in this thread after making the test i applied in reply #10. I could afterwards confirm the issue.
2. The issue described doing the test i applied in reply #1 in this thread, where it's clear a parameter that has a control assigned is'nt working correct for all presets. You confirmed this issue later on.

None of this two issues has to do with CC numbers as such, as they only use a single controller CC number.

(But as a side thing, then perhaps you need to learn about using maps and templates in your controller.)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 07:22:28 pm by LBH »


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Re: MIDI Assign problem
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2018, 09:27:19 am »
Finally!! Problem solved!

This is from the Arturia support, and this is how I got it to work.

To uninstall an Arturia virtual instrument from your Mac using the Arturia Software Center, simply do as described on the pictures below:

[IMPORTANT: If you have created user Banks/Presets, first please back them up using the Export Bank/Preset function]

To completely uninstall an Arturia plugin from a MAC computer, please delete the following folders & files if available :





/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/plugins/Arturia/*.aaxplugin


<instrument> = Name of the instrument that should be uninstalled

To easily reach those files, you can use the Finder's "Go" function (by pressing "CMD + SHIFT + G") and simply type the folders' paths in the address bar.

Once you totally uninstalled the concerned plugin(s), please reinstall them directly from the Arturia Software Center, and try again.

I hope this helps you resolve your problem, please feel free to contact us if you need more assistance.


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Re: MIDI Assign problem
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2018, 09:29:14 am »
Before the problem got solved I bought a Novation Launch Control XL (it has 32 assignable knobs and faders) to use with my Keylab Essential 61. It’s a great complement. By assigning from that and the Essential I can use most of the faders and controls at the same time without having to use different maps or configs. So by having this config problem I had to come up with a solution that now works better for me than using configs or mapping. :)

And thanks again LBH for your help!


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Re: MIDI Assign problem
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2018, 05:42:40 pm »
Thanks for reporting back jarviguy.

I'm happy if your stuff now works to your satisfaction.

I still will say the issues i mention in my previous post is present. I hope some at Arturia have done the testing and found out.


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