Thanks for not giving up on trying to help me, LBH!

I'm aware that the red are assigned and the purple aren't. And I know that the assigned controls show what CC number they are assigned to. And I know how the different configs should work, but they don't work for me. I've read the manual. I'm just really bad at expressing myself in English and describing the problem and what I've been doing.
Can you please try the following and tell me the result?
I've tried what your describing, step by step, exactly. And I've tried exactly this a hundred times before, and also in slightly different ways, just to be sure I don't make just a little step wrong. So I think there must be something wrong with my Arturia software synths or with my Essential 61. So to describe what happens:
When I'm on your step 5 the control doesn't always turn red. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. But still the control affects the sound. And same thing on your step 10. The control affects the sound. But when I'm on step 12 and try to load the Test 1, the Attack moves, but it is the decay that is affected. It's always like this for me. The last assigned config is the one being affecting the sounds. So even if the controls are moving from the config loaded, it's the last assigned config that is sounding. Do you get what I mean by this?
This is the step by step I sent to the technichal support:
My setup is Mac Pro 64 gb ram, 2 x 3,46 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, OS Sierra 10.12.16, Arturia Essential 61 and Logic Pro X and Standalone.
This is what I do, step by step, in the ARP 2600 V3, I've tried both in Standalone and Logic Pro X.
First of all I've emptied the tmp folder in the library/arturia/arp2600/ folder before I start the synth.
Then I do this:
1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose Empty.
2. I save the current config as VCF
3. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
4. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
5. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. 1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose Empty.
2. I save the current config as VCO 1 & VCO 2
3. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
4. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
5. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose VCF.
2. The assigned faders and controls are moving, but the sound is not affected by it. Sometimes it is affected as the former config. When I touch the faders or controls by the mouse the sound is affected.
I've also tried this:
1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose Empty.
2. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
3. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
4. I save the current config as VCF
5. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. 1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and unassign all Midi.
2. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
3. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
4. I save the current config as VCO 1 & VCO 2
5. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose VCF.
2. The assigned faders and controls are moving, but the sound is not affected by it. Sometimes it is affected as the former config. When I touch the faders or controls by the mouse the sound is affected.
And I've also tried this:
1. I click Map Select on my Essential 61 and choose User 1 (where I've assigned CC#10-26)
2. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose Empty.
3. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
4. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
5. I save the current config as VCF
6. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. I click Map Select on my Essential 61 and choose User 2 (where I've assigned CC#27-43)
2. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose Empty.
3. I click the Midi Learn symbol.
4. I assign the controls and faders I want to use.
5. I save the current config as VCO1 & VCO2
6. It works fine.
Then I do this:
1. I click Map Select on my Essential 61 and choose User 1 (where I've assigned CC#10-26)
2. I click the MIDI Controller configs and choose VCF.
2. The assigned faders and controls are moving, but the sound is not affected by it. Sometimes it is affected as the former config. When I touch the faders or controls by the mouse the sound is affected.