Tested on MacOS 12.6
Hi there,
1) Some VST could eventually pause the download at 100% so don't close the ASC or try to replay download button
2) Open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "Privacy" -> "Full Disk Access". Unlock again the mod button and allow "com.Arturia.InstallHelper". Then manually allow VST by clicking on the "+" button and browsing to the App location eg. "Applications/Arturia/Analog Lab V".
3) After having manually allowed all Arturia VST, go to the already opened ASC and click on the Paused "Downloading"
4) Everything now will completely be installed
5) Before testing any VST/plugin, go to "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "Privacy" -> "Full Disk Access". Manually allow all the VST previously installed.

The screens herewith attached show what needs to be allowed to have everything properly working!