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Author Topic: Drum kit Virtual Instrument  (Read 4354 times)


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Drum kit Virtual Instrument
« on: July 03, 2018, 03:03:16 pm »
Hi all!
I hope I'll not be off topic (... if so, please forgive me)
Does anybody know if it does exit any Virtual Instrument similar to Studio Drummer by Native Instrument among Arturia Products?
Or, eventually, could I use Studio Drummer by Native Instruments with Arturia Controllers and any other Arturia SW Instruments without particular difficulties?

Actually I'm thinking to set up my first home studio, and to complete my analysis (which platform to choose) I'd like to know that.
Thanks for Your kind attention.


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Re: Drum kit Virtual Instrument
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2018, 06:57:39 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

I'm not sure how to answer you. i'll try ths way.

Arturias products does'nt exclude you from using other vendors products no matter it's on Apple MAC or Microsoft Windows platform. But products are different from each other.

What excactly from Studio Drummer do you wan't? Studio Drummer is a instrument/ library to use with NIs sampler Kontakt only.

Arturia have Drumbrute as a hardware solution for drums and percussion.
Arturias software solution Spark 2 might be what you ask about, but it depend on what you excactly ask about. At the time being Spark 2 might not be updated anymore and therefor is discontinuet, but it look like it's still availble on Arturias sales site. It have just got an extra update.

Most of Arturias applications can produce drumsounds and sequences.

I can use both Kontakt with Studio drummer and Arturia products and other vendors products in the same project.

What is difficulties with controllers? Controllers can have different functionality. Arturias controllers have speciel functions for Arturia software, and NIs controllershave speciel functions for NI software. But both can be used in one way or another with other software.
I know NIs new keyboard controllers have dropped MCU support, and for example depending on your DAW this apparantly can have have apparantly been giving many troubles to control their DAW. For others it work fine without. I can't tell how much it matter. This just to say that there are differences. But what are difficulties?

More info is needed to answer more precise.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 07:19:17 pm by LBH »


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