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Author Topic: NEW MicroBrute Firmware coming!!!  (Read 11250 times)


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Re: NEW MicroBrute Firmware coming!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2017, 02:20:07 pm »
I've just found an old MiniBrute discussion about exactly the same bug, which was tested and confirmed by Arturia:

I don't know if the MiniBrute firmware is OK now, but the last MicroBrute firmware 1.0.4 still has this bug.


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  • Retro Futurist Synth Music
    • AEJOTZ retro futurist synth music
I installed new MicroBrute Firmware, then returned to earlier version
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2017, 12:56:03 am »
I installed the update, hoping my pet peave would be corrected. The upgrade actually made matters worse. I returned to the earlier version and am now back where I started, using workarounds. I love the Microbrute (especially since I started running the audio through a Werkstatt filter) and the workarounds are acceptable. But I sure hoped new firmware would fix things for me.

When the new firmware is installed the sequencer won't MIDI-sync to an external clock. I cycled through all settings, rebooted, did it again, no go. I launched the previous editor and it read the settings differently! I again cycled through settings, rebooted, etc. but things were still flaky and unpredictable. I returned to the new "control center" and reinstalled the upgrade, in case the install had gone wrong. After rebooting, everything was flaky again.

So I returned to firmware version and everything settled back into predictable controllability. That's OK with me but I have to raise an eyebrow at Arturia's programmers.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 12:59:07 am by AEJOTZ »
retro-futursim now
electronics = magic


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Re: NEW MicroBrute Firmware coming!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2018, 12:16:32 pm »
So, it's good that Arturia still supports MicroBrute, but it seems we still have several issues since June 2017. The question is, does someone from Arturia read this forum and is willing to communicate? I'm glad they released the last firmware update, thank you very much and it brings a hope, but I would like just to know if someone is able to do something with these issues and to inform us if it's possible.


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Re: NEW MicroBrute Firmware coming!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2018, 02:34:33 pm »
Yes but do they have a fix in the latest firmware for this?

Sequencer Retrig = None (BROKEN)

Firmware (older)
Sequencer Retrig = None now (FIXED)

In both videos I show before and after sending a midi clock. I am playing keyboard notes to see whether the sequence is interrupted. Unfortunately when midi clock is sent with the latest firmware, sequences get interrupted, causing it to be glitchy and horrible. I am only playing a 3 note sequence here but imagine if it were a longer sequence.... Makes the unit unusable.

I noticed this problem immediately when the current firmware was updated. Had I bought it this way I would have returned it to the shop within hours. So they will certainly lose customers because of this (pretty fundamental) problem.


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Re: NEW MicroBrute Firmware coming!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2018, 07:43:58 pm »
Well, it's a pity that after several years of waiting, we still can't get a bug-free firmware, but I still think that one day it will come with no sequencer problems, no LFO problems, no SysEx problems.  :) They are only software problems, so it can be done quite easily.


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