This is just a thought.
Considering that the devs are looking at bug fixes for Spark 2, perhaps we could come up with a list of everything we've noticed and would like to see fixed, possibly improved. They're all kinda scattered all over the forums here.
No "new features" tho please. Let's keep it chill, eh?

EDIT: As suggested by Edouard Arturia, I will try to keep up with collating the responses to this thread here in this first post. If any admins feel up to it, I'm open to help in keeping this up to date. Thanks!
Please check this list before posting.
Don't forget to always mention: Your precise OS version, DAW version and the precise steps to reproduce the issue.
Otherwise your posts won't help.... - Inconsistent results when drag-n-dropping samples onto pads, ESPECIALLY when trying to layer sounds. Very glitchy, and not even remotely a smooth workflow.
- Sampler exceedingly difficult to work with, seems to "lose" sample assignments sometimes.
- Modular view resets zoom and pan and module arrangement every time you leave it.
- Slow loading times in the Library browser (even off an SSD)
- When recording knob movements (using hardware) the result is inconsistent. Knob often resets to a default value.
- Drag-n-drop .wav export of patterns very inconsistent, sometimes crashes Spark. (MIDI works fine, for me)
- Changing effects presets extremely slow ... even simply changing parameters painfully slow.
- Some of the effects are buggy. I'm looking at you, Distortion and vocal filter
- When drag-n-dropping samples directly onto pads in the main interface, WHY does it always insist on putting in two Bode filters. If I wanted Bode filters, I'd put them in myself.
- no adjustable velocity threshold for layering samples. Used to be there, isn't there anymore.
- Loading samples has a pop up windows that says "please select the MOOSE you want to use". Bad translation.
- drag and drop samples is inconsistant on windows 7. Spark 1.6 was good with this but hasn't worked since 2.0 dropped.
- Spark Dub, Spark EDM, Spark 2 with Catanya2 added to the mix crashes any DAW with an Access Violation error.
- The Spark software is using the shared memory addresses in a wrong manner. This is the reason why you have capped the VST amount to 4. Its unstable because of this reason. (EDIT BY OP: Not sure what this means, but I added it to the list)
- MIDI learn seems to work fine when you map notes to the pads, it doesn´t seem to recall correctly all of the mappings when I reaload the project
- Ispark app on IOS has no volume adjustment for metronome. It just blasts your eardrums, like a screaming baby (EDIT BY OP: This isn't really about iSpark, but I added this anyhow)
- Song position pointer not working right in Cubase 6 thru 9 Pro (other DAWs as well?) .. doesn't follow song position properly after stopping and re-starting
- the dialer on the CDM hardware to browse thru samples on disk in the library tab ... after I assign a selected sample to a pad by pressing the dialer, the list always resets (to 1) when I turn the dialer to select a new sample for another pad
- The software MUST be on the Library screen for the Big Knob on the hardware controller (CDM here, can't comment on LE) to browse thru instruments. Should be able to do that from ANY of the screens.
BIG list update, copied directly from the post.
Master Track Limit - There is a built in limiter on the Master track which affects making a proper drum track. Either the limiter should be removed from the Master Track or an Out1 should be added to the output section when using individual outputs. (Only thing I consider a big issue. Your kick drum is probably being affected.)
Equalizer - If you add the Equalizer to a drum, and bring down the 63Hz fader all the way (-40db), save the project, and return to the project the sound of the drum disappears to silence. There also seems to be a problem with the 32Hz fader when brought down all the way and saved.
Leslie Effect – The Leslie Rotation Speed knob is mislabeled. When the Leslie Rotation Speed knob is set to "Fast" the speed eventually stops. When the Leslie Rotation Speed knob is set to "Slow" the speed is actually fast. When it is set to "Stop," the speed is actually slow.
Distortion – The Tube Distortion type does not work at a 100% Wet setting.
Saving - “Click to choose” an image does not work when saving a preset.
REV button – In the Studio panel, if I press the REV sample button on one instrument pad and then move to another instrument pad, the REV button still remains illuminated. Visually there is no way to tell if a sample is reversed.
Vocal Filter LFO - The LFO Off/On Switch on the Vocal Filter behaves like a slider instead of a button.
Select 12 Shortcut - The Select-12 shortcut turns off both Accent Mode and Song Mode.
Tune Mode – Tune Mode cannot be played with the Sequencer Step buttons on the GUI. They can only be played with the hardware.
Tempo Knob after switching GUI – When switching from one GUI interface to another the tempo knob gets panned to a hard right at 300bpm (although the tempo itself will not be affected).
Library Panel - In FL Studio, when the Detached option is chosen while the Library Panel is open, then the Library Panel disappears.
LCD & Song Button - When pressing the Song button in the Main Panel to turn on Song mode in either the SparkLE or Spark Creative GUI Interface, the LCD displays "Step Mode 3.0" instead of "Song Mode: ON."
Drum Pads 15/16 – When Pad 15 & 16 is selected, often the third Instrument Parameter knob's assignment text will not be displayed. For example, if I load the "Alien Circuit" project and select Pad 15, the third Instrument Parameter knob shows that it is assigned to Freq Shift but not text is displayed beneath it Pad 16 shows it is assigned to BPF Cutoff, but again the text is not displayed. When the knob is adjusted a tooltip appears that displays "MUTE OFF." Also when the knob is in this state, right-clicking it does not bring up the "Enable/Disable motion" & "Edit motion" options. Most of the projects that seem to have this problem belong to the "Spark Factory," "Spark Vintage,” and some of the demo expansion packs. It's always the third Instrument Parameter knob for Pads 15 & 16 that is affected.
Effect Presets – I can overwrite the default factory Effect and Mixer Output presets. I can also delete them.
Mixer Faders – Double clicking the mixer faders bring them back to a value of -33db instead of the expected 0db.
Speark Creative Tap Tempo - If I tap out a tempo on the tempo pad in the the Spark Creative GUI, the tempo will update but the tempo knob itself does not react to the change.
Spark Creative GUI 9-16 - Instruments 9-16 do not display underneath the drum pads in Spark Creative GUI’s Main Panel. Instruments 1-8 remain on the display when switching to Instruments 9-16.
Verbose Mode – No accessible verbose mode on SparkLE GUI. Verbose Mode on Spark Creative GUI is incorrect. For example. Select 4 says “Prefs” but it actually opens the Studio Panel. Select 5 says “Studio” but it actually opens the Modular panel. If you leave Verbose Mode on in the Spark Creative GUI and return to the SparkLE, the layout of the text is poor, incorrect, and ugly.
Export Icons - In Windows, if you export a Spark kit the resulting icon has an iSpark logo. An exported iSpark kit has no icon.
I'm going to sneak in here a small section of requests as well. I hope that's okay. I readily admit I'm doing this because of three rather standard sequencer features I think are glaringly missing.
- Ability to copy/paste individual instrument patterns between each other
- Ability to shift patterns left or right (individual instruments as well as full pattern)
- Randomize pattern (including velocity)
... those are my three then

others ...
-output each instrument to mono rather than stereo