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Author Topic: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)  (Read 12620 times)


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Re: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2017, 10:36:25 am »

Dr. Justice, I cannot open your attachment (the mbpz file).
Could you please repost a .jpeg or something similar?
Thx a million

Here's an example patch for guitar processing (attachment)

It does several things:
 - The external signal is fed through the ladder filter which uses envelope follower and LFO 1 modulation for the cutoff, also a tiny bit of drive, use any combo External gain, Steiner Drive and Brufefactor to taste for drive/distortion (I calibrate the external input gain on the back of the synth so that there's no clipping with drive and brutefactor at minimum).
 - VCO 1 and 2 makes an FM bubbling sound using the envelope follower to control the VCO 1 and 2 pitches, VCO2 gain is controlled by the envelope follower,  VCO 2 which goes through the Steiner filter, the Steiner cutoff is modulated by LFO 2.
 - The mod wheel can be used to reduce the FM sound by VCO 1 and 2 right down to silence.
 - Macro Knob 4 can be used to turn up a Tremolo effect where LFO 3 controls the VCA.
- The Stereo Delay is in use and LFO 1 modulates the delay time a tiny bit.
- The VCA envelope is set up with full sustain and half release, worth noting if playing with Audio Gate on.

The patch has been saved with  Key Hold, so just hit a key to get the sound coming through and/or use the Audio Gate. The dynamics of the playing will have a big effect on the sound. The key you hit will affect the pitch of the FM sound that VCO 1 and 2 is making. If you set Audio Gate to on, you can use Envelope 1 and 3 for further 'controlled' modulation. Of course the Envelope Follower is the key to playing dependent dynamics here, both with and without Audio Gate.

Since the FM sound is made to be silent when the guitar is silent, it has a limited max volume. With gate on you could crank VCO level 2 much more.

This is just a quick example of some of the things you can do. BTW, if one had en external Pitch to CV Module, then it would be possible to play the oscillators in tune with the guitar with the usual limitations of that method.

Since the MxB is as beastly as it is, you could use synth sounds together with the external input in the same patch, and you could use the sequencer or arepggiator to set patterns of notes and/or modulations to affect the guitar sound. Coupled with a tiny Eurorack for pitch to CV stuff and such, you'd a have quite the bass/guitar electronics heaven :)


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Re: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2017, 12:50:05 pm »
Did you open it in the MIDI Control Center software? To do this: Select a project, other than "Factory_1_0", and a preset location in the left hand matrix view. You can click "+New Project" to create an empty one if needed. Click the "Import" button and select "Replace Preset XX", then browse to the mbpz file and select it. After successful import, the patch can be dragged over to the right hand panel to transfer it to the synth.

I don't have a picture of the panel settings at hand, but the attached patch file is working, I just tested it here.


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Re: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2017, 09:47:14 am »
Thank you so much!
It works!


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Re: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2018, 07:19:59 pm »
Something like this Analogue systems RS-35 would give you Pitch to CV - just be aware that this style of pitch tracking requires very clean single string playing to get a clean output CV.

tried the RS-35 a couple of years ago. Didn't work properly. And I was feeding my instrument through a low pass filter etc. as the support from Asys suggested. Long story short: the cheapest and best way to track my instrument up to now is a sonuus i2m. Audio in, original signal and midi out. You can't go wrong for 99€ imho


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Re: matrixbrute using external audio input (guitar)
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2018, 07:21:37 pm »
and thanks for the patch!


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