There are advantages with the excisting possibilities, that i wan't to keep. As it is it's possible to have wanted single notes hanging with there own individual/ seperate pitch bend.
Like if you in Normal sustain mode can play one note and add a picthbend amount while the key is down, and then hold the note with the pedal, then press another key and give that note another pitchbend amount differnt from the first note - and so on.
But i don't mind more options either.
The fact that the Retrigger need to be on to have even the same pitchbend amount for all notes was why i thought there might was a bug in this.
But a mode where the pitchbend work when notes is held has to give all notes played the same amount of pitchbend, unlike the quite artistic possibility i describe above.
The CS-80 Retrigger in it self actually works like i exspected Matrix 12 envelope reset to work but don't at the moment. It provide the polyphonic playmode possibility to have all notes in it's release phase to be cut off when triggering one or more other notes. That can be very useful when using sounds with long release.
I have posted about that here: