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Author Topic: Suggestion for V-Collection Next: Roland RS-202 Strings  (Read 1480 times)


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Suggestion for V-Collection Next: Roland RS-202 Strings
« on: June 14, 2017, 04:56:27 pm »
I would love to see you do the Roland RS-202 String Synth - this was an awesome sounding, fully polyphonic string synth that has a character of its own, and the simple but effective set of controls, with the awesome Roland chorus rounding it off.

I'm sure this could be done effectively (there seem to be the original circuit diagrams available still) with an Arturia twist to take it to the next level, maybe with a combination of the RS-202 Polyphonic Strings and the RS-505 Paraphonic Synth (like you've done with the Prophet 5/Prophet VS) and, for instance, including your Moog Filter in the signal chain - something I used to do with the RS-202 with my Mini-Moog (the RS-202 had a trigger-out to make this easy), pre-dating real polyphonic synths but getting some really interesting results!


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