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Author Topic: V Collection 3 not there?  (Read 8757 times)


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Re: V Collection 3 not there?
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2017, 03:02:08 pm »
I don't know anything about Arturia sale. I'm a user.
But If V-collection 3 (VC3) is on your account, then i can't see why you should not get the discount as a VC3 owner.
I can't see why it should depend on it's activated or not. Don't you have an offer from Arturia on your account for VC5?
Otherwise you need to contact Arturia sales about this.

You can have more V-collections activated at the same time. But i don't think you need to activate earlier V-collections to activate a new VC5 offer/ upgrade.

If you have downloaded and installed the latest versions of the VC3 collection from the download page, then the activation thru ASC should work.

You have 5 activations. So you can install V-collection on 5 computers.


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Re: V Collection 3 not there?
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2017, 11:41:27 pm »
I wish Arturia would monitor the forums

Here is the problem. I most likely am not the only one having this problem. Now, how does it reflect on Arturia if they really have no meaningful, if an, Acessibility provisions and that story gets around? It also reflects badly on their customer support reputation. this is twice as bad if they have "gold standard" product because it affects their position in the marketplace. It's like having a gorgeous, high-performance equipped sportscar with  bicycle wheels

why not use Teamviewer https://www.google.com/#q=teamviewer or Go-To-Assist? if you want the reputation of being a pro, you need to play the game at the pro level


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