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Author Topic: How can i sequence my Minibrute?  (Read 8596 times)


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How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:06:49 am »

First of all, thank you in advance to read my problem.
Recently, i bought a sequencer to use with my Minibrute.
When i open the manual, nothing is explain about connect differents hardware. I searched on youtube and no one show us to do step by step.
So i try to do it myself; i just connect a MIDI cable between my Minibrute and my Novation Circuit, but it dosnt work.
Can you help me ? thanks


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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2017, 05:01:18 am »
First you need to learn a little about MIDI.  Click this link for a search result for "Introduction to MIDI": https://duckduckgo.com/?q=introduction+to+MIDI

MIDI works using 16 channels for communication.  For a device such as a sequencer to control a synthesiser, they need to be connected via a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT on the sequencer to the MIDI IN on the synthesiser.  They also need to be on the same channel.  The Circuit operates on channels 1, 2 and 10, for synths 1 & 2 and drum parts respectively.  You can't change these on the Circuit so your Minibrute will need to be set to one of those channels, preferably one of the synth channels.  You can change the channel the Minibrute is on using the Brute Connection software.  Make sure it is on either channel 1 or 2 (or 10 for a bit of fun).  You can also change the channel the Minibrute runs on using a MIDI CC message, but that's a bit more advanced than were we are now.

Now that you have a MIDI cable connecting the MIDI OUT on your sequencer (the Circuit) to the MIDI IN on your synthesiser (Minibrute) and the Minibrute set to one of the Circuit's channels (channels 1, 2 or 10), you should be able to play a pattern on your Circuit and hear it being played on your Minibrute.
Currently running https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1311723 / www.modulargrid.net, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2017, 12:25:48 pm »
just connect a MIDI cable between my Minibrute and my Novation Circuit

Make sure it is on either channel 1 or 2 (or 10 for a bit of fun).

You'll find the connection software plus the manual here: https://www.arturia.com/support/updates&manuals

Section 2.3.2 (MIDI channel select/Receive channel) is what you'll need.


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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2017, 12:56:48 am »

Just order a MiniBrute as my first synth.

So I'd like to have a simple way to sequence as well. I have no desire to void the warranty. And I'm allergic to MIDI... or at least would rather avoid it.

I have a MacBook with music software, and an iPad with loads of music apps on it.

What would be the easier approach for me to try first to start some sequencing?

- Joe


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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2017, 12:12:22 pm »
So I'd like to have a simple way to sequence as well. I have no desire to void the warranty. And I'm allergic to MIDI... or at least would rather avoid it.

I have a MacBook with music software, and an iPad with loads of music apps on it.

What would be the easier approach for me to try first to start some sequencing?

If you want to avoid MIDI sequencing, there's exactly two possible ways:

a. use CV/gate (beware: It has been reported that the noise generator sometimes fails after having used a CV/gate sequencer. It happened with my MiniBrute after sequencing it with a Korg SQ-1 in CV/gate mode, but there are other users describing similar problems.)

b. switch it over to a sequencer instead of the arpeggiator with a Sysex command. I don't know if that affects the warranty, though. The disclaimer on Yves Usson's web site is suggesting this, however. So beware as well.


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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2017, 08:07:40 pm »
Thanks BodoBrute!

Once the MiniBrute gets here, I'll first try using Auxy on my Ipad Mini > camera connection kit > USB cord > MiniBrute USB in and see if that'll work.

I'll keep the CV input in mind as an option.

One reason I stopped using the iPad for music making is that I'd get lost down rabbit trails trying to make device connectivity and interapp connectivty work. So I'll be cautious.

I know that there is also a MiniBrute app.

Also don't want any chance of voiding the warranty, so I'll stay away from the firmware / Sysex magic for now.

Spending another $100 or so on a Beat Step could be the way several months from now.



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Re: How can i sequence my Minibrute?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2017, 11:25:04 am »
Once the MiniBrute gets here, I'll first try using Auxy on my Ipad Mini > camera connection kit > USB cord > MiniBrute USB in and see if that'll work.

Sure - but USB MIDI is also a kind of MIDI, so I thought this was no option for you ;).

Spending another $100 or so on a Beat Step could be the way several months from now.

Or a Beatstep Pro, which is actually three step sequencers (plus additional features) in one unit. Quite handy especially if you wish to control more than one synth at the same time  :D.


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