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Author Topic: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia  (Read 3376 times)


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Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« on: April 13, 2017, 12:14:34 am »
I was advised to load up the VST2 plugIns for Arturia but how do I do that when I install?  The problem is that Sonar won't open when I am using the VST3 Arturia, but the v2 versions work fine.  Does anyone have experience with this?


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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 02:24:39 pm »
In WIndows VST3 are instaled on a fixed path C/ ProgramFiles/ Common FIles/ VST3.
VST2 are installed on the path set during the install process.
The plugins you install is also shown during the install process.

The rest is a Sonar/ DAW question.
I believe Sonar do support both VST2 and VST3.

1. Be aware of the bit versions of programs and plugin versions you use. Especially if that can cause read issues.

2. Some DAWs can use VST3 and VST2 version of the same plug-in, and some DAWs can only use one version at a time.

3. You have to tell Sonar/ a DAW the path/s you are using for your plugins, to make it able to read and use the plugins. A path set to a VST3 version perhaps can block for using a VST2 version. Then perhaps you need to move the VST3 version from the path, or remove the path totally if you don't wan't to use VST3.

4. Also the DAW can have scanning you perhaps need to handle if it block plugins. Perhaps you need to delete a blacklist and re-scan, if something gone wrong during the scanning. As said i belieeve you should be able to use VST3 in Sonar if you wish to. I don't know why you are adviced to use VST2.
This is about VST3: https://www.steinberg.net/en/company/technologies/vst3.html
But yes there can be reasons to use one version from another.

But how to do all this in Sonar i suggest your look in Sonar manual and ask in Sonar forum or Sonar support. You can be lucky someone in this forum use Sonar.
Perhaps you can find articles and/or videos on the web that can help you.

I don't think this issue has to do with Arturias plugins.


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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2017, 07:33:33 pm »
I looked and I have both versions of Arturia installed but the version 2 are not showing up on the vst menu. 


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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2017, 07:45:17 pm »
I looked and I have both versions of Arturia installed but the version 2 are not showing up on the vst menu.
My guess is it's because of one of the reasons, that i wrote about in my previous post.
But as i'm not a Sonar user, then i can't tell you how to do things in Sonar.


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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2017, 07:54:50 am »
I solved the problem I had to unmark the checkbox that hid vst programs that duplicated there names.  All is good.  I just can't reuse the VST3 versions.  Sonar won't open when I use those.



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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2017, 02:22:27 pm »
Your welcome.
Good you got something to work.
Don't think i understand what you mean with "reuse".
But have you tried to get an answer in your DAW forum or by your DAW support?
I would believe many more would tell, if they could not use the VST3s or use multiple of the VST3 instances in Sonar. I can't be certain, but my guess is a solution excist.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 02:30:53 pm by LBH »


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Re: Discovered SonarX3 e is incompatible with VST3 Arturia
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2017, 04:07:19 am »
Wow something works than it stops.  It all started when the Matrix plug in would keep shifting back to the 1st preset and every so often the sound if you play keys too quick when you change a sound would appear between notes after the patch had already changed so I re-scanned my plugIns and every so often Sonar X3 won't take a vst.  So I will try this and see what happens.  Thanks its just one of those kinks.  I'll figure it out. 


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