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Author Topic: Semi-duophonic use of MatrixBrute Sequencer  (Read 2354 times)


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Semi-duophonic use of MatrixBrute Sequencer
« on: March 19, 2017, 06:35:09 pm »
I tried to create a polyphonic sequence with MatrixBrute. I started with a simple sound (useable for 'Skandal I'm Sperrbezirk from Spider Murphy Gang). In the sequence the modulation track is used to shift the pitch of Osc.1. (Osc.3 plays the root tone, osc. 2 the fifth. Osc. 1 is programmed as major third, which can be changed (-/+) with the mod-track.
Trick is finding the right combination of mod.value in the modulation matrix and the value in the sequence.
When somebody has got the time, we should publish a table with intervals combining with mod. settings...
With my setting you can go up and down up to 5 semitones, but this range can be expanded by increasing the mod value in the patch mod. matrix.
Just a fun patch I thought was nice to share, the patch is attached.
With M1-2 you can easily control the volume of the third and/or fifth.
I put a short example on soundcloud:   

« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 06:58:05 pm by Bitflipper »


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