September 08, 2024, 11:45:00 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Songs that used custom presets have no sound until preset is changed  (Read 2069 times)


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I have had this issue for a while and just decided to try and get it sorted out, but I am using Jupter 8v in Reaper (newest version), and I am trying to load up some older songs I did last year with the plugin. The issue seems to be that every instance of the plugin I used where I had changed knobs on a preset, it loads in and is completely silent. I have tried messing with buttons and knobs in the synth to make other sounds, but it stays absolutely dead until I change the preset completely. Of course, once I do that, I lose all of the settings I originally had. I'm not sure what causes this, but it's every instance which has an asterisk next to the preset name where I had made custom patches. Any help would be appreciated! I'd love to do a re-mix of some of my songs and cant' seem to do so until I get this sorted out.


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