hi guys, I'm an enthusiast user of Arturia products. I currently own a MicroBrute, and it's awesome. I'm using it mostly for bass, and I love how FAT it gets.
Since creating complex sequences is a little difficult just with the keyboard (at least for me), I wrote this web-based editor, and wanted to share with the community.
http://maticwebdesign.com/microbruteIt's free to use and modify.
There are many things I would like to add, but for now I think it's a nice start. Arturia will probably create an editor of their own at some point.
What you can do:
- create variable length patterns
- listen/edit in real time (I chose one of the sounds I use from the MicroBrute, more options to come)
- turn click on/off (I find this very useful for longer sequences)
- export sequence to clipboard
Once you created your sequence, this is how you load it into your MicroBrute:
1. Open MicroBrute Connection software (download from
2. Choose the "Sequences" tab
3. Click on "Save sequences" and save the mbseq file to your computer. MIDI versions are not needed.
4. Open the file in a text editor (notepad/textedit/bbedit/etc)
5. Choose the sequence you want to replace with the one you created, for example "1:52 x x 52 x x 52 x x 52 x x 52 52 52 52" and replace it with the one you create in the web-based editor
(be sure to not delete the sequence number, in this case "1:")6. Save the file
7. Go to MicroBrute Connection and choose "Load sequences"
8. Upload the modified file
9. Voilá! The new pattern will be available under the name you stored it (#1 for this example)
Let me know how it goes, hopefully it will be an useful tool.
Best regards,