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Author Topic: Recording of the sequencer in midi  (Read 9384 times)


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Recording of the sequencer in midi
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:25:58 pm »
Hi All
Is it possible to record the note events of the sequencer when using as an AU plugin on OSX 10.7.5 ?
I'm using it in Logic Pro 9. I guess then these midi notes would have to trigger the sequence on play back too.

Love that sound, but I've only managed to record it 'live' as audio.



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Re: Recording of the sequencer in midi
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2021, 07:34:04 am »
did you manage to get an answer this question?


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Re: Recording of the sequencer in midi
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2021, 06:32:31 pm »
Hi nohijo,

Please keep in mind, that you have posted in a forum for a legacy product.

Modular V does'nt output midi.

The OP say it's possible to record the audio outout live. That's true. But if it can be done live, then i don't know which parameters that can't be recorded as midi automation data, and then be played back and control Modular V afterwards.
You can allready record and/or add both midi notes and automation in a DAW.
It's also possible to use multiple instances and presets of modular V in a DAW.

Keep in mind that the sequencer in Modular V also is used for modulation instead of midi notes.
And keep in mind, that the sequencer in Modular V can control individual modules individually with individual sequences. That can't be done, if Modular V just is being played by a simple midi note from a DAW on a single midi channel. Something far more advanced would be needed - also certain advanced functionality from the DAW.


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