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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Keylab49 with Analog Lab2 and Ableton. Can't record controller messages...  (Read 3380 times)


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Controlling Analog Lab 2 with my Keylab works fine as long as I am not recording. As soon as I want to record in Ableton, the controller messages seem to glitch respectively they don't follow my live turning knobs... For example, I open the filter with a knob but the values always jump back incrementally. Also on the display of my keylab the value indicator doesn't smoothly go up but something is kind of pushing it back. Hard to describe but it seems that Analog Lab/ Keylab is receiving contradicting values.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Matt Arturia

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Hi bionic_beats,

Can you tell me a bit more about your setup  ? Which OS and Live version ? Latest Analog Lab 2 build ? (2.1.2b80). Once I have all your infos I'll look into it.




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Hi Matthieu, thanks. I run latest Macbook Pro 2017, latest Ableton and latest Analog Lab with collection V and Keylab49. It seems like the keylab receives midi messages while sending them.

Also, not sure if that is related but if I have two instances of analog running on two different tracks, could it be that the keylap is not differentiating between the two instances, meaning that even if I have just one track activated (set on record) the other track still receives controller messages from the keylap?

Thanks again.


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