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Author Topic: Why different values on the parameter, in the mod page, and in the mod matrix?  (Read 1693 times)


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I wonder why some parameters go to different values on the parameter, in the modulation page, and in the modulation Matrix.
The Filter frequency have 3 different possible values in those places. The values are 127, +- 63 and +- 189. Others only have 63 on the parameter and in the modulation page, but +- 189 in the modulation matrix. Why is'nt the values the same?

189 can be more precise than 63, but it should be the same all places.
In the V1 all was up to 63 or +- 63.
Do he different values coarse unexspected behaviors?


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I bet this wasn't by design, but maybe it was simply overlooked. The value readouts for many plugins (SEM etc) and many parameters on initial release appear to be hastily set, or simply set to a default value and not checked again (and deemed a low priority issue). I bet the front panel values were set to emulate the original hardware values of 63, and the new mod matrix values etc were cut/copy from other Arturia apps maybe?

« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 11:37:10 pm by jeffbart »
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