Are you using the opcode driver and setup program? Page 43 of the manual gives info on muting beat clock on an input.
That's all presuming you're using oms? If not, are there no filters within Pro Tools?
And by the way thank you for the reply.
BTW I have three different OMS guides. The main Opcode guide for the studio4 I have has 48 pages. The only mention of beat clock is on page 25 and that says the following
MIDI Synchronization check boxes
Check the MIDI Time Code check boxes only if: 1) your MIDI device
sends or receives MIDI Time Code, and 2) you intend to use it to synchronize
that MIDI device to your OMS-compatible MIDI sequencer.
Check the MIDI Beat Clock check boxes only if: 1) your MIDI device
sends or receives MIDI Beat Clock, and 2) you intend to use it to synchronize
that MIDI device to your OMS-compatible MIDI sequencer.
Many drum machines and synthesizers with built-in sequencers are
able to send and receive MIDI Beat Clock.
Check the MIDI Machine Control check boxes only if: 1) your MIDI
device sends or receives MIDI Machine Control, and 2) you intend to
use it to synchronize that MIDI device to your OMS-compatible
MIDI sequencer.
See your MIDI device manuals to learn whether or not they support
any of these synchronization methods.