Have you read and followed the OPs directions and other posts in this thread to understand the real issue?
You'll have to involve both velocity modulation and note/s in the envelope release phase to find the issue.
Also please read the manual about voice steal and playmodes.
Your explanation is'nt the explanation and solution for this threads issue, like you claim it is. I wish it was. And if it was, then it's great to post about it. But the issue is one that you for some reason have'nt discovered. Not yet anyway.
Perhaps you hav'nt followed the steps given by the OP to replicate the real issue.
Or perhaps you have'nt tried it out using Matrix both as stand alone and as a plug-in.
But if you don't have the issue, then please post screenshots of your settings and/or attach your test preset with the settings you use to test, so we can check if there are issues on our applications to increase the issue.
The issue happens even if you just play one note and then hit a different second note while the first note is in it's release phase. It's 2 notes playing in total at the same time - one played after the other. You don't even hit a third note after the second.
The filter from the first note is either being decreased or the voice stop sounding, when you hit the second note of 2. Something is cut from notes that are in their release phase, when it should'nt be cut.
It happens no matter what playmode you use and you use 1 zone only, - and also when you do or don't enable voice steal. This threads issue is not a Zones/ playmode setting issue, even if the behaviors from them can be involved.
Similar issue happens in a similar way when Velocity modulate an envelope with release that's set to modulate a VCA.
Perhaps the Velocity don't work correct when there are notes playing in the release phase.
This issue can perhaps also explain some of the weird things happening, that has annoyed me for a long time when playing.
Based on the behaviors i get, there may be more to it. But there are issues, that need Arturias attention. It's actually a serious issue.
Martine write this about re-assign, that explains it quite well:
"Voice steal should allow or disallow the stealing of voices which are still sounding.
But even without Voice Steal, voices which drop silent again (possibly all envelopes back in rest state) should become available again.
If that way of locking voices indefinitely, then I guess Voice Steal should be switched ON by default when selecting REASSIGN."
Enabling Voice steal do help in this case. But it's odd when playing stacato not having enabled voice steal, that you can't play a different note 13 even if none of the first 12 different notes are playing.
We can't combine this issue with the one in this thread i think, unless something under the hood affect on both issues.