In the Multimode window under "SINGLE PATCH" you can allready select and add patches. But you have to create new patches on the spot everytime you wan't to have another sound or setting to use.
In addition to creating new "Single patch" and so on the spot, then i suggest to introduce the possiblity to add parameter settings to "Single Patches" by selecting among all the availble presets in CS-80 V3 that's possible to use.
This possibility could save a lot of time, and i would believe the function "Single Patch" also will be used more, because it will be easier to experiment too. The Multimode multisound feature deserves to get some attention, as it can be a fantastic soundbuilder.
In Matrix 12 V2 something similar is possible, and so it is in JUP-8 V3 when the old dual/ split feature is fixed.