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Author Topic: [Solved] Activation issue  (Read 3233 times)


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[Solved] Activation issue
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:11:05 pm »
(this post was moved to the right forum section by me. Note additional info)

I have just installed the latest AL2 version, uninstalled the old Analog Lab and deleted several folders on the C: partition that was left behind after uninst.
Those folders btw was older demo versions of the Arturia software instr. Yesterday i treated myself with the special Christmas offering from Arturia: The V collection.
Everything seemed to install/unlock just fine in the Arturia Software Center. Analog Lab 2 shows up as installed and unlocked but i still get this annoying authorization request everytime i start the AL2.
I've already tried reinstalling the AL2 so i suspect there could be an older windows .reg file lurking around in the register screwing things up for me.
Any suggestions to get rid of this problem?
Update: I forgot to mention that i had to change to a new e-mail address because change of ISP. When installing my new software a login request got triggered by the Arturia Software Center. If i remember correct i think this was after installing the AL2.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 02:31:42 am by Royks0pp »


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Re: Activation issue
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 02:30:10 am »
Uppdate: Case solved

I just got an answer from Arturia Support team:

Can you please try deactivating and then reactivating your plugins in order to sync it with your account's actual setting ?

- Open the Arturia Software Center
- Go to the settings tab (the little gear icon at the top left of the window)
- Click on SYNC
- Click deactivate all ( no visual feedback will be displayed but your plug ins will be deactivated)
- Go back to the main tab and reactivate the plug-ins

Everything works fine now. Response time was around 6 hours on NEW YEARS EVE.
Big applause goes to Arturia Suport team!


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