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Author Topic: Playlists, and backups of these.  (Read 1520 times)


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Playlists, and backups of these.
« on: May 29, 2016, 02:08:10 pm »
Hi all.
I'm getting into the overall picture of the new V5, but I have one question:
I find the playlists very useful, but am looking for a way to save them,- is that possible at all,- or planned to be done?
Or, is there any particular reason for why you WON'T have it as an option?
PC with Windows 10 - 64bit., 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7 3770 CPU  3,40ghz.
FL Studio  20 Studio Edition
V-Collection, Pigments, Bazille, Blue2, Eiosis AirEQ, Largo, GO2, Speakerphone, Blade,PolyKB II, Synthix, V+, Matrix, Lector, Minimonsta, Spark VDM, Xils4, Xils5000, OB-XA V, Polymoog, Synthi V, NAVE.


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Re: Playlists, and backups of these.
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2016, 09:16:00 pm »
I have the same question. Is it possible to backup the playlists of an instrument?


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