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Author Topic: Number of presets  (Read 6510 times)


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Number of presets
« on: September 19, 2016, 02:22:44 am »
Hello, I see 490 presets in the list but they should be more than 600 as promised in the product details page. Somebody knows why please?


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Re: Number of presets
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 02:34:50 pm »
Modular V do not have over 600 high quality presets like Arturia promote.
You have posted in the previous Modular forum. Have you counted the Modular V2 or the Modular V3 presets?
My Modular V3 have only 416 factory presets of various quality, plus 91 template presets where many is the same except the designer name is Arturia or Template.

It's a serious problem Arturia should fix when there's a gap between the reality and the promotion. It's false advertizing.

Arturia - Do Modular V3 have over 600 high quality presets? If so where are they? If not - how many are there?
Unfortunately the promoted number of presets in VC 5 in genereal do not match the reality.
For instance Mini V3 is promoted to have over 1000 high quality presets. But in fact it only have less than 500 none template factory presets of various quality.
Where are all the missing presets Arturia?

In general Arturia have not updated the promotion sound examples on the website to show the new VC5 sound either.

Everything on a sales site should show the reality and the current product.

Time to update the website facts and examples?

I also wonder why we apparantly have different numbers of presets availble?

« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 02:37:01 pm by LBH »


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