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Author Topic: Square and Triangle Oscillators Issue  (Read 1693 times)


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Square and Triangle Oscillators Issue
« on: October 27, 2016, 02:12:12 am »
There seems to be a big problem with all the square and triangle oscillators. 
Regardless of where I patch the oscillators (direct to VCA, filter to VCA, etc.), both sound like static with a very low volume fundamental tone underlying the static.  From looking at the spectrum in Ableton, it appears that all of the overtone harmonics are equivalent amplitude to the fundamental frequency, resulting in a white noise/static sounds, which makes sense. 

Attached it a picture of the spectrum analyzer with a square wave playing on C3.  You'll see what i'm talking about.


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Re: Square and Triangle Oscillators Issue
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 02:57:32 am »
I would bet that you have not touched the pulsewidth setting.

In Modular V the pulsewidth setting behaves differently than on the actual Moog (I would argue it's an improvement). That knob allows you to control what would normally be referred to as waveshape settings on other synthesizers.

Give it a try, it's the big knob on the drive oscillator.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 05:28:37 am by Tausendberg »


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