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Author Topic: Does V Collection use GPU for DSP purposes?  (Read 2641 times)


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Does V Collection use GPU for DSP purposes?
« on: October 10, 2016, 05:29:42 am »
If I purchased a better video card, would I be able to increase my sample rate and bitness?  I get clipping sometimes at 96kHz/16-bit but I would like to get to 192kHz/24-bit.


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Re: Does V Collection use GPU for DSP purposes?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 03:14:04 pm »
I think many audio applications have issues with certain graphics. I don't know about Arturias.

Can a GPU improove audio production that much and more than a faster computing system beside the GPU can? I'm interested if you know where to read any evidence about that. perhaps i can learn something new.

Computer performance for audio production i would say it's mostly about your computers total power. Especially your CPU and the speed of the busses and your soundcard.
For 192 KHz/ 24-bit you need very much power. Especially for in/ out realtime performance.

I have posted a link for a video about CPU Performance vs. Real-Time Performance in Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) in this thread:

Why use that high samplerate? What do you exspect? There is no evidence more than max about a third of that samplerate can improove anything. If you know of any i'm interested where to find this evidence too.



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