why would you spend the money on an emulation? Brute is everything CDM was and more
Not really.
DrumBrute is one standalone hardware analog drum machine.
Spark (the software!) is a virtual instrument that is a *modular* sample player + analog + physical drum emulator + effects. Being virtual, you can instantiate as many as you need with instant total recall of the needed sound-set for that song within a daw.
Now that you explained it better, I understand that you bought Spark CDM thinking you were buying a "standalone" drum machine, only for its analog samples? Spark (the software) is so much more than that.
Spark (the software) was cleverly presented as a complete solution, with its own custom controller, 1st the CDM controller, then the SparkLE controller, but those are just that, custom designed controllers to better enjoy Spark's (the software) capabilities.
I guess you look at and enjoy using the controller and forget the computer and software that are making it come alive whereas I look at Spark (the software) and use the controller as an easier more fun way to enjoy the software.
So, I now understand that for you, Spark CDM and DrumBrute may fit the same space but that might be just because of why you bought Spark CDM or how you view it and that specific use you have for it might be fully filled with a DrumBrute, but that won't be true for other Spark users.
Most would miss *a lot* of Spark features if given a DrumBrute instead of Spark (though they would have a lot of fun and enjoyment out of DrumBrute anyway

This is why I don't agree with your view that one replaces the other. Might be true in your case though

PS: btw, Spark had always the Standalone and plug-in software versions since v.1.00