Hey guys,
i used some of my free time to build an Excel-file, making it easier to create sequences that can be copied to an .mbseq file and then imported to the MicroBrute.
The standard sequence is 64 steps long, but can of course be cut off manually.
To enter a note, just enter an "x" to the note/step you want to be played. This will add the correkt "midi"-number to the sequences text, which you can find at the bottom of the table. Steps left blank will automatically create an "x", which stands for a rest inside the .mbseq. The file will automaticalle add x's to the end of a sequence, if you want to build a sequence shorter than 64 steps. As mentioned above, you will have to cut off the sequences "text" manually. I found no solution for that, but it only takes one extra second to cut off the x's manually.
If you build up a new .mbseq file, remember to add "1:, 2:, 3:, ..., 8:" infront of each sequence's "text".
Feel free to download:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj2l4vqlhpfq4i4/MicroBruteSequencer.xlsx?dl=0It's no high-tech tool but i think the file helps creating longer sequences, preventing 64-steps-trial-and-error-sessions on the MicroBrute itself :-)
This is my first contribution to the forum, so feel free to comment and critisize

Have fun