Hello there
I'm relatively new to the world of Midi CC assignment and having a problem putting new drum sounds on to BSP Drum Pads. At the moment, I'm using the Midi Control center and selecting a pad on the Drum Controller (e.g. pad 9) and change the value currently in the box to a CC number or a 'Chromatic note' - for example, C#1 and hit the pad. No change.
I've been told that any changes made in the MCC are automatically synced across to the BSP and so I rather naively expected my new drum sound to immediately appear at Pad 9. I've tried using the chromatic note value for a known drum sound on my synth keyboard, and a CC value for the same sound. I should add that all other sequencers in the BSP run fine for musical sequences and the Drum sequencer works fine with the currently assigned drum sounds. All I hoped to do was to replace some of the currently assigned drum sounds with new ones already sounding on the synth keyboard.
See attached Screenshot.
Clearly I'm missing something obvious and any help would be appreciated.
Best wishes