Hi there.
Okay, so first off, the MiniLab doesn't itself make any sounds, but I'm sure you know that. For the pads to make drum sounds, they have to control some sort of drum synth or something.
This is pretty easy to do, really.
Basically, in MCC, set all the pads to a specific MIDI channel. I personally use channel 10. Then you set the range of notes for the pad.
For instance, on mine Pad 1 is set to: Mode - MIDI Note, Note - C1, Option - Gate, Channel - 10. Then Pad 8 is all the same, except Note is G1.
HOWEVER! The note range needed depends on the instrument. You just have to discover that range, which is really just fiddling about playing thru note ranges somehow until you find the drum sounds. You find the specific sound you want (in the instrument), and map that note to your desired pad in MCC.
It's then important to set that instrument to receive MIDI only the the channel the pads are set too, and make sure it's armed or whatever in you DAW (or however you're working) so you can hear that instrumtent.
The rest of the keyboard will stay in whatever MIDI channel you tell it too; either by what you set in MCC or by using the Shift+keys to switch MIDI channel. And if you switch the MIDI channel of the keyboard, the pads remain on their own set channel.
So essentially you're technically playing multiple synths at the same time from one controller.
I hope I explained that sensibly enough. Good luck and have fun.

EDIT: OH!, and section in the manual is just talking about General MIDI notes, but you'd still need a synth to receive that signal for any sounds to play. ... Yes, the manual is outdated.
Also, sorry, can't help with the Drag thing. I'd not noticed that my own self.