Just got a BeatStep and I managed to get it working with the aid of Koshdukai's
blog. I am trying to get familiar with it.
I managed to figure out how to sync the BeatStep to reasons clock. However the BeatStep is a mile off with the sequencer in reason. I have come to the conclusion that the sequencer is out of time with itself and because of this is throwing the sync in reason off. Whatever way it works its loop buffer is way off. I set up a matrix to trigger a drum on a kong and programmed the BeatStep to trigger the same drum every 2nd hit and loop recorded the whole thing for about two minutes as I tried to offset the sync clock. I had to slow the tempo 1/4 of 125 to 31.250 to get an offset and had thought that dividing the offset by 4 would have given me a correct value. In theory it should have but I couldn't get an offset because of the buffer being so off. I'm beginning to think the firmware (latest) is bugged. Here's a screenshot of the second hit that was loop recorded. Keep in mind that the trigger points on the controller have not moved and in theory if it was in sync with reason the recorded triggers should be at the same point in reasons sequencer. I don't now if its the default swing on the BeatStep that is making it out of time but its a 1 bar sequencer shouldn't it be in sync with itself? The screenshot is with 0ms offset and loop recorded over one bar for about two minutes! (it recorded 18 separate hits so 18 bars)
I have tried to reset the presets to factory settings in the Midi Control Software and it kept on telling me the device is in use and would not save or sync. I closed everything but MCS and still it told me its in use. Is there a button combination that I can press that resets everything I might have the swing settings on the controller on the max. If that is the case what is the length in bars of the swing buffer its the only thing that could explain steps 5 and 13 being off so much and why I can not get a working offset. If the 1 bar of sequencer on the BeatStep is off by even 1ms after 18 bars its going to be off by 18ms which is a lot where timing is concerned.
The screenshot is the highest zoom factor in reason and the space between the first and last loop recorded drum hit is 86ms. Keep in mind that it is loop recorded what has been recorded is in the exact same spot on the BeatStep step 5, and 13>(in the screen shot) and should be in the same spot on the reason sequencer.