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Author Topic: Modulation input depths no longer show positive and negative values  (Read 1284 times)


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On comparing V3 presets to V2 I realised the input modulation parameters are no longer expressed as positive and negative modulation values (-1.000  through to 0 through to +1.000) - they now only show a value between 0 and 1.

That makes it far less intuitive, especially to the uninitiated, that 0.480 is in fact negative modulation, and that 0.500 means NO modulation at all.
That is way less informative than '0.000' being no modulation at all, and -0.200 some negative mod, +0.200 some positive.

Could these positive/negative inputs be made to display correctly, as per old V2? It's quite a substantial loss of information especially in a modular context where anything can be an input/output and you need to understand what's doing what where.

The Modular v3 sounds so fantastic and I love what it can do but you lost a lot of great information in V3 by dumbing down the input data display.

Cheers Jeff
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 01:00:40 pm by jeffbart »
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