Am avoiding using this app since it likes to fight for dominance on my iPad.
This app is much less user friendly than iSem for example.
When using iProphet with nothing else, it's ok.
But who uses music apps in isolation these days.
For example if I have iSpark and iSem apps running together happily, starting up iProphet causes iSem output volume to become a whisper and unresponsive to volume control. Hence I cannot use iSem at the same time as iProphet.
Plus, when starting up iProphet, it shuts off background audio for my music player (Spotify).
I can have Spotify on in the background when using iSpark and iSem, but not iProphet.
Because iProphet just won't run happily alongside iSem or Spotify, I just don't use it!
It not much to ask allow background audio to continue when iProphet starts.
Also, whatever iProphet is doing to the iSem volume, that's a bug that needs fixing.
iProphet just crashes over the top of my other loved apps, instead of fitting with the old kids on the block.