I need some help from expert Mini V users. It's about getting old school mod wheel vibrato using Extended Mode/Modulation.
Classic mode relies on 'oscillator modulation' on and Osc 3 at lo freq to do 'vibrato' using mod wheel.
You go from zero vibrato (wheel down) to full (wheel up). All good, save losing osc 3.
My understanding to do it in Extended Mode/Modulation page you need to set up
a) MOD.Wheel > LFO AM (some depth)
b) LFO> VCO123 FM(some depth)
My problem is it feels/sounds like there is always a tiny bit of LFO>VCO123 FM happening with the wheel down (meaning it's always slightly 'vibrating'), and that you only amplify this tiny depth with the Mod Wheel.
Is there another way to do this so you have absolutely NO modulation depth (zero vibrato) with wheel down?
And, using this method, it feels like there's a tangible lag/ramp up before the vibrato starts, compared to the 'Classic' vibrato method which comes on instantly you move the wheel.
Any suggestions around this?
Many thanks Jeff