Hey Drumpilot!
See interpsersed.
Hey Ady, yeah that's a good idea adding some release. I cranked it up on the ADSR to 880.0 ms and you get some nice longer notes when you play really short keyboard strokes.
[Ady - Yes, it's really satisfying, is it not. You can sort of feel that weight]
Also, I think there was too much portamento so I lowered it to .60.
[Ady - Yes. I did that too. I forgot to say so. What I have found with portamento is that it has to jibe with the tempo of the song and the playing. The way I do it is I make the bass part and let it play and adjust the portamento on the fly until it is delivering just the right amount of "bendy".]
It's a blast messing around with all the variables involved in a patch. The possibilities are virtually endless.
[Adrian - Yes indeedy!! I think the Arturia ARP 2600 V3 is a superb synth. Despite owning all the others by Arturia, I always come back to it. My second fave is the Moog Modular. They just seems to hit the mark. It is just a pity the ARP can't quite do what the original did. Let's see where Arturia take it next. ]
I tried something similar to what was in your screenshot, but couldn't quite make it sound like what you were originally going for.
[Adrian - Yes. That was my method. I found the TimewARP and the Arturia 2600 to be quite different. That is why I could not make the sound, and that was when I came here asking if better sound designers *could* do it.]
Thanks for the video link. I'll check out more of his other videos too.
[Adrian - If you are song writer, you will find a lot of good stuff in his vids

. He is also a very pleasant man.]
[Have a great day
