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Author Topic: Curious about the color changes  (Read 5589 times)


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Curious about the color changes
« on: May 27, 2016, 03:13:02 pm »
This doesn't even remotely matter to the usefulness or functionality, nor am I complaining about it.
I'm just curious why pretty much all the colors were changed from the previous version, which did match the actual Jupiter 8.
Speaking of which, I'm also curious why the name was changed to Jup-8.
Is Roland getting complainy about such stuff?
Thanks :)

OH!! I do have one niggle tho.
The "LCD/LED display is virtually unreadable, unless I get my face REALLLLLY close to the screen, or use one of the huger GUI scales. I'm preferring it at 90%, and it's unreadable at that scale.
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Re: Curious about the color changes
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2016, 04:52:22 pm »
I agree with you that red foreground on grey background is not really easy to read.

Perhaps red on black background could be perhaps more readable and also more comparable to what we have on the Jupiter 8 hardware synth.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 04:55:33 pm by encore1 »


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Re: Curious about the color changes
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2016, 06:51:11 pm »
Yeah, Jupiter 8V was perfectly readable in that LCD/LED screen thingy. Why that was changed baffles me.
It seems they've gone with horribly low contrast text/background colors all over the place with these updates. They really need to change that.
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Re: Curious about the color changes
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2016, 05:19:54 pm »
Yeah, Jupiter 8V was perfectly readable in that LCD/LED screen thingy. Why that was changed baffles me.
It seems they've gone with horribly low contrast text/background colors all over the place with these updates. They really need to change that.
This is something else that riles me up with these 'upgrades/updates' to the old faithful synths. Low contrast, practically unreadable gui sections and the name changes. Not only has the Jupiter 8 name been changed but the Moog Mini and Modular have had name changes as well so I don't think it's Roland getting bitchy about things.

There's too many things that have gone wrong with this, Arturia. That, along with the attitude of Arturia people when they reply to a post about a complaint of a feature no longer working or missing: 'we'll add it or fix it if enough people complain about it' or 'we didn't think it was important to include'. At least Bulent does solid updates with Synthmaster and doesn't break things that worked before.
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Re: Curious about the color changes
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2016, 01:38:09 am »
I just uploaded and sound quality is great and not disappointed with that.  But one thing I loved about Arturia products is they made me smile when I opened them up because they were so faithfully reproduced in their look.  Now this upgrade, colors changed, dimensions are off, it looks like cartoon character.  They all pretty much look like crap now.

On the bright side, when I upgraded to V Collection 5 it left all the old versions available to use as well so for now I will go back and forth between JP3 and JP2.


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Re: Curious about the color changes
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2016, 03:13:17 am »
I don't have Jupiter but I feel the same about new CS80, SEM interfaces.
All of them have a decomposing brown-ish, beige, drab palette, and the font/legend is more fuzzy and hard to read than before, even with all the expanded real estate the legend is way too small and difficult to read.  All the text items need to be rendered far sharper and clearer.

I think usability was low on the list of criteria with the GUI work - in fact I can see where several misunderstandings of what the controls do have led to many labelling mistakes.
The GUIs really need to be considered more in terms of usability and work flow, and less in terms of 'authentic'.

I ranted here about the CS80 UX

And the preset browsing font choice is very poor. Quite difficult to read. There is no coherent UX planning for this section, things hard to read, inconsistencies etc. Futura font is a big mistake for small, lengthy character strings as many of the letters are hard to distinguish.

But hey, they still sound great....
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 03:17:12 am by jeffbart »
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