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Author Topic: Wurli GUI is Blurry  (Read 5654 times)

seafoam green

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Wurli GUI is Blurry
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:10:48 am »
While not as blurry as Solina ..., this GUI is also Blurry  :o ???


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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 04:28:57 pm »
HI Seafoam green,

Those instruments were done later and their GUI had a better overall quality than the other ones. For now we simply made them resizable.
Therefore we cannot tell if we will redesign them.



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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 12:09:15 pm »
HI Seafoam green,

Those instruments were done later and their GUI had a better overall quality than the other ones. For now we simply made them resizable.
Therefore we cannot tell if we will redesign them.


That's odd. On a 'normal' 1080P screen, when these plugins are scaled to 100%, they seem blurry. And a lot smaller then the other plugins. When resizing them to let's say 120 or 130 %, they are just plain ugly. I really hope these will get updated as well!


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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 02:13:48 pm »
A application is in reality only resizeable if it's readable and usable in all sizes. It shall be clear in any size. Not blurry in any sizes. Else it's just a dummy used while working. It's unfinished.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 02:21:12 pm by LBH »


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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2016, 01:08:57 pm »
HI Seafoam green,

Those instruments were done later and their GUI had a better overall quality than the other ones. For now we simply made them resizable.
Therefore we cannot tell if we will redesign them.

Not an excuse that holds water. This is the poorest redesign I've ever seen. I'm surprised the beta testers didn't bring this up.

You can't tell if the gui's will be redesigned? Don't do it and the growing feeling that Arturia really messed up this collection will only get larger and any reviewer with any sense of fairness will give this a massive thumbs down.

 :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2016, 04:24:22 pm »
HI Seafoam green,

Those instruments were done later and their GUI had a better overall quality than the other ones. For now we simply made them resizable.
Therefore we cannot tell if we will redesign them.


Wow, this is disappointing. When I first launched Solina V2 I really thought something was wrong - I tried resizing/reopening thinking the correct resolution would kick in. It is the kind of blurry that strains your eyes - like I need to put glasses on. I would have expected Arturia's response to be "We wanted to get V Collection 5 into our customers' hands as soon as possible, but updating these remaining instruments is our top priority". The V Collection 5 product page states "Main Features: High resolution graphic interfaces, compatible with very large displays". Shouldn't there be a disclaimer that this is only true for certain instruments? I feel like I was misled with this purchase.


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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2016, 09:50:40 am »
I agree - I've been a customer of Arturia since the very early days.  This is very unprofessional.  I also noticed the blurry GUI on both Solina and The Wurly.  There are also a number of bugs turning up on some of the instruments, such as CS80V, where buttons don't function properly or turn on loud sine waves, GUI elements that don't function properly, switches that are hard to get to change by clicking, dragging (B3 Leslie switch for instance.).

Releasing bugware has become so "normal" in the software industry that none of this really surprises me, but the unprofessional response here about "we haven't decided weather to update the GUI or not" is very unacceptable considering that a major "selling point" paraded heavily by the marketing of the V5 updates was the high resolution resizable GUIs.

Arturia, I hope you're listening to a customer who has paid you several thousand dollars and been a loyal customer for a great many years....



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Re: Wurli GUI is Blurry
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2016, 01:05:51 pm »
I agree - I've been a customer of Arturia since the very early days.  This is very unprofessional.  I also noticed the blurry GUI on both Solina and The Wurly.  There are also a number of bugs turning up on some of the instruments, such as CS80V, where buttons don't function properly or turn on loud sine waves, GUI elements that don't function properly, switches that are hard to get to change by clicking, dragging (B3 Leslie switch for instance.).

Releasing bugware has become so "normal" in the software industry that none of this really surprises me, but the unprofessional response here about "we haven't decided weather to update the GUI or not" is very unacceptable considering that a major "selling point" paraded heavily by the marketing of the V5 updates was the high resolution resizable GUIs.

Arturia, I hope you're listening to a customer who has paid you several thousand dollars and been a loyal customer for a great many years....

In the same boat here' got into Arturia when they only had the MiniMoog and Modular Moog and Prophet V. Now we get this sad excuse of an "upgrade". Really wanted this to work but now - I'm not spending dime one on this until things get fixed. After all why pay for something that makes your eyes hurt. And they even stripped features out of certain synths ??? And a couple of others are missing things that are in the real world hardware. Things like the B3 is missing the bass pedals which Arturia said would be in an update. There's been updates but still no bass pedals. Then there's the case of the missing sampling/resynthesis in the Synclavier which was one of the big things in the original hardware. Arturia says they mayadd it if enough people ask for it. Shouldn't have to beg for stuff to be added that is supposed to be there from day one.

Really - has there been any real response from Arturia on why this is all happening?
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