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Author Topic: Sound Designing  (Read 3501 times)


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Sound Designing
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:18:45 pm »
Hi there,

I'm actually struggling with the "Meaty Sub" preset.
I really like the sound, but I cannot manage to remove that "clip" every time a note is hit, without totally changing the shape of the sound.
Also I'm trying to have a longer release.

Can somebody help me with that ?  ???

Thanks !


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Re: Sound Designing
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2017, 03:52:42 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

The clicking occour when a note is triggered while another note sound. If you have a long release or play overlapping notes (legato style), then you'll hear the click. Also if the release is to short you'll hear the click. On Sounds like this, the click can be very clear sometimes. Clicking can be especially loud when using Sine waveforms.

When playmode is set to "Mono", then you will allways cut of a previous playing note. You can try to set the playmode to "Poly". This will allow a longer release.
The Envelope Decay also control the Release.

Also if you keep the Mono playmode, lower the ENV decay so it don't sound when you hit another note (but not to low so it click because of that), and don't play overlapping notes you will not hear that much clicking if any at all.

I agree the click is very loud. It's normal for synths to have clicks. But i also think it's too loud clicking sometimes.

Don't know if this helps. But that's what i can do.


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Re: Sound Designing
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2017, 09:59:33 pm »
Hey LBH,

Happy to see that the forum is lively !

The bass lick I composed is happening in a calm part of a verse so this click is waaaay to loud even if I understand that it's part of 
hardware analogue emulation.
Didn't (yet) manage to fix that in mono mode, but just tried poly (how could I didn't think of that ?) and had an automation on the decay ; very short when the notes are close and long at each end and it's pretty decent ! (in mono I'll still have the click)

Thanks very much for your clues !  :)



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Re: Sound Designing
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2017, 10:17:39 pm »
Your welcome.

Yes the V-Collection forums is just alive.

I forgot to write the following, but perhaps you are aware of it.
There can be a problem using poly instead of mono playmode on sounds that use Portamento if you play overlapping notes. This sound do use a little Portamento. But it can be a work around using Poly playmode.

But great if you think you can use the sound now.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 10:30:23 pm by LBH »


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