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Author Topic: Prophet clipping and dropping out  (Read 8308 times)


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Prophet clipping and dropping out
« on: May 03, 2016, 06:22:14 pm »
Hi all, I'm new here  ;D cause I'm an Arturia user since last week (sorry for my english... I'm a napoletano kid!!!)

I have some problem with Prophet V2 (in standalone or vst mode it's the same); with some presets the sound clipping and dropping out... after one note, or few notes. I read about to increse buffer size for that issue.. I try, but it's the same...  ???

I have a Windows 10 64bit, 16 giga RAM... I dont' have this problem with other VST or  Arturia PlugIn... help me  :-[


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 08:55:19 pm »
Hi and welcome.

Can you please tell some presets you have the issue, and where to find them?


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2016, 09:22:38 pm »
Hi LBH, thank you for your answer...

for example the TT_REVERB preset, located in TEKNOTANZ_P5 bank, EFX subbank... one note and, after any clips, the sound drops out. Then, if I load another preset the Prophet works again  :-\ with other presets it happens similarly


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2016, 10:09:53 pm »
Your welcome thanks.

With the TT_reverb sound with Prophet in stand alone mode i do have some issues where Prophet drop out with a bad glitch and just  stop working. It can take some time before it happens, but it can also happen the first note played. But i can confirm a not wanted behavior in the standalone mode on this preset.
I even have to restart Prophet to make it work again it looks like.

But in this case i don't have the issue with that Preset when using Prophet as a plug-in it looks like. Do you?
Perhaps after a longer time than i have tried it out.

I'm on Windows 64 bit and use 64 bit plug-in.

Unfortunately other Arturia synth do have some preset's where things like this happens. Also when used as plug-ins. Can't remember the presets now.
I hope that it's something Arturia have corrected when the new updates arrive.
The fault can damage hearing and equiptment as it sometimes give a nasty loud gltching sound when the synth stops working.

It's hard to tell what it is with this sound or if it actually is a Prophet issue. I guess it's some kind of overload somewhere. But it's not the main volume or the resonance in this case. Perhaps it a bad code connection in the application.

That's all i can do in this case i'm afraid. You can contact and inform Arturia giving them examples and details of your OS and if it happens both in the 32 or 64 bit plug-in and in the 32 bit standalone mode or not.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 10:26:21 pm by LBH »


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2016, 10:50:51 pm »
HI LBH, thanks...

I try as plug-in and it drops out again... but, I can play some chord first :D
So... is it a common issue? I thought I missed something with download... it's a relief yet
But, I have seen, my Arturia folder (with all the programs, Prophet too) is in Programs(x86)... is it a problem? The .dll file is in the folder I made for Ableton precisely.

I don't understand why it doesn't work, I'm so irritated  :-\
The updates you say arrive on Arturia Software Center, right? They'll send me a notice I hope...

Thank you so much LBH


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2016, 11:29:53 pm »
Hi Rays,

Your welcome thanks.

It's an issue that occour sometimes in my exsperience. Mostly in older stuff i believe, but i'm not sure.
In general many preset's are way to loud. Over 0 db in the output. I find Arturias softsynth has a sound not found anywhere else. So many other softsynth sound the same way - hard, noisy. cold and clinical. Arturia sound different catching some of the real character from the originals and i hope they work on doing it even better.  And i do hope they fix annoying unprofessionel sloppy things like this, as i believe it will be in Arturias interest too.

The stand alone versions is 32 bit (x86). The plug-ins come both as 32 and 64 bit. If you run a 64 bit system then use 64 bit plug-ins as bridges (what i know) often is'nt that stable.

When you install you see the options and you can choose install paths.

Yes check your ASC (Arturia Software Center) sometimes. Updates are usually announced somewhere but check ASC anyway.

I use Studio One 3 Professionel DAW 64 bit version.


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2016, 12:35:29 am »
Add-on to my  previous post.

You can try to create a new bank and preset and suse the same parameter settings as in the corrupt preset. That might help.

Good luck.


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2016, 12:54:18 pm »
hi you are welcome

do you use Studio One 3 as DAW? Good... I have another little question for you  ;D (sorry). I use Ableton Suite 64, and I'd like to rewire Studio One Artsti (version 2) as slave... is it impossible to do, isn't it? I tried, but it doesn't work. I read that Studio On is master, never slave.

About Prophet... thanks so much, I'll wait for updates. I have just a copy of that bank in Prophet. Cause in my dowload process there was a new version of TEKNOTANZ_P5 bank, with more sound... so, I have to TT_REVERB preset, and the problem is the same...  :) Have a good day


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2016, 06:56:31 pm »
Thanks, You too.  :)

If you create a new bank and another preset and dial in the parameters, then the result can be another. The preset can be corrupt in both the baks you have, as it's possible it's the same bank where one perhaps is larger. You can open two instances so you can look at the parameters in one while setting them in the other.

About Studio One, then i can't answer your question for sure. I hav'nt done that. But Studio One do have ReWire. However, then as Studio One Artist don't have third party plug-in support, then i think you'll need Studio One Professionel. And i don't even know if you can use the ReWire support for that, or there are other options. You have to research. The Melodyne that comes with Studio One Professionel use ReWire.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 07:10:57 pm by LBH »


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2016, 07:24:24 pm »
I'll do as you told me. I create a new bank and another preset and dial in the parameters, it's a good idea... ;)


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2016, 07:41:54 pm »
Believe me... it doesn't work... same problem. I dial in the paremeters entirely, start to play and...  clipping and dropping out!

Anyway, I wrote to assistance on the official site... I'll report you what they tell me.... ;)


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2016, 07:53:09 pm »
Too bad it don't work.

Yes please report back?  :)


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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2016, 04:33:35 pm »
Hi LBH, thank you for your answer...

for example the TT_REVERB preset, located in TEKNOTANZ_P5 bank, EFX subbank... one note and, after any clips, the sound drops out. Then, if I load another preset the Prophet works again  :-\ with other presets it happens similarly

I can confirm the same issue. Works fine for the most part, but then there's some glitching, then it just stops making sound. Additionally, going into the Settings and hitting the Test button (for test tone) makes no sound once this happens.
As stated, switching preset, then going back, makes it work again (for awhile)
This is the first time I have ever encountered this issue with the Prophet V. I'd not tried the TT_Reverb preset until now.
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Re: Prophet clipping and dropping out
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2016, 04:44:02 pm »
Hi Artao, tns for your answer...

so, you have the same problem with that preset (TT_REV)? Good... then I'm not going mad  ;D
I wrote the assistance, I'm following all the things they told me... if we solve it I'll tell you here.. at the moment NO!


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