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Author Topic: Beatstep Pro + Volca Keys Sustain Issue  (Read 3268 times)


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Beatstep Pro + Volca Keys Sustain Issue
« on: April 19, 2016, 07:24:39 pm »
I have seen several posts related to my issue, but no responses that resolve it. When trying to sequence the volca keys with the BSP using midi, the BSP causes problems with (at least) the volca volume envelope. I want to play long notes with the volca keys using the BSP to sequence them so I increase the sustain on the volca keys envelope. However, when I try to play a sequence, for example, a sequence with long ties, or any other sequence, the sustain is almost completely cut off if I hit the stop button. When I hit stop the little red light under the sustain knob blinks when I hit stop. I can recover the sustain on the volca keys if I slightly twist the sustain knob before hitting play again, or during sequence playback.

Is there any way to prevent this from happening?


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Re: Beatstep Pro + Volca Keys Sustain Issue
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 04:10:21 am »
The Beatstep Pro sends midi CC's when the transport controls are press; defaults are Stop: CC51, Record: CC50 and Play: CC54 an channel 1.
When you use the transport controls it sends out those messages and since the Volca Keys uses CC's 50 and 51 for it's envelope controls, the BSP is sending messages that will change those values.  Take a look at the Volca Keys' midi chart and set the transport controls to transmit midi CC's that aren't used by the Volca Keys (or any other of the synths you may be controlling with the BSP).
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: Beatstep Pro + Volca Keys Sustain Issue
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 08:11:45 pm »
Great, this should work. I saw the midi chart for the VK, but didn't realize the BSP was sending overlapping messages. Thank you!


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Re: Beatstep Pro + Volca Keys Sustain Issue
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2016, 12:58:00 am »
Just as a helpful followup. This indeed does work. You can use Arturia's midi control center to modify the global midi cc messages used by the transport buttons (right panel in midi control center). NB: The global settings only appear when the BSP is attached to the computer. At first I set them all to send 127 but this caused another problem as the Volca Keys reads this as some other signal. I ended up setting the cc messages in the 60s which avoids all of the Volca's set midi message sensitivities.


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