February 06, 2025, 01:17:21 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Microbrute Connection - Change sequencer resolution when Step On = Gate  (Read 3865 times)


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I have my Microbrute synced up to a Korg Volca Sample. Is there a way to get the sequences to play at different resolutions while getting a tempo from an external source? (ie 1/4, 1/8, 1/16)
The Step resolution in the software effects the timing of the sequence playback when the Step On is set to 'CLK'. But I need the Step On to be set to 'Gate' to sync with the volca sample. When it is set to 'Gate', the 'Step' option doesn't seem to effect anything when changed (from 1/4 to 1/8 for example).


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I also want to know the answer to this question.  I'm using a volca beats to the gate in on the microbrute although it's all being clocked by a TB3.  Changing 1/4,1/8, 1/16 doesn't do anything.  I want to slow things down on the microbrute.


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That is a digital setting that does not work when you're syncing to an analog gate input. You either have to change the source signal or just simply re-create your sequences with double the resolutio to slow them down.
L8er Osci8ers


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Ok, now I'm having the same trouble with volca beats. We want to use the option of INTERNAL/MIDI that makes the sequence and lfo make changes into the pulse we are giving from VOLCA's...
Actually I can say to you that the only way is communicating them between MIDI, and it's a bit messy because you have to mod your volca unit and add a MIDI OUT port... Once done this thing, you would be able to send a midi clock to your microbrute and it will react to it as you want it to do... BUT, IF SOMEONE HAVING VOLCA BEATS IS READING THIS... Have you tested it? Now mine is modding with a friend, and I have to wait for days to make my test, but today I have just rode into other forum that VOLCA SAMPLER finally get a nice midi connection with MICROBRUTE but VOLCA BEATS doesn't .... Could anyone please please please test that????


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