Hi there,
I'm new to the forum, but I see that issue I'm facing has come up a few times but not specifically resolved. As far as I can see, there is some weird behaviour here and I suspect it might be a BSP bug, but I'll explain.
The specific issue is when using the BSP in slave mode to Ableton (i.e. Sync set to USB)
AND the transport buttons on the BSP set up to send stop / start to Ableton via the MIDI CC functions. It runs for a few milliseconds and then stops.
With the BSP in master mode (i.e. Sync set to INT) with Ableton as the slave, it works, and if you remove the transport buttons MIDI CC mapping from Ableton, but keep the BSP as the slave, it also works. Its very specific to BSP as the slave
AND the MIDI CC mapped to the transport buttons.
I'm on OSX 10.10.5, Ableton 9.6 and BSP firmware so everything is up to date.
Here are the transport control settings from the BSP:
I have tried with just MIDI and Both. Same issue.
Here is my Ableton MIDI CC transport mapping:
Here are the sync settings in Ableton:
Its all quite straight forward. What is going on is the BSP is sending a stop signal immediately after I've hit play. Here is the midi monitor output.
I'm not pressing stop, those stop messages shouldn't be there.
As a comparison, there is the output using the BSP as the master.
Either I have missed something, or that is a bug.