hey there,
iSpark was a really neat surprise and i'm REALLY tempted to buy Spark LE now just (or mainly) for
the controller.Nice move from arturia
But first i have a few questions to people who might use both together now:
1.How demanding is the controller to the iPads battery?Does it make a noticeable difference (as there are a lot of blinken lights)
2.i saw that you can adjust the knob behavior (accelaration etc) in the desktop editor but is it saved into the hardware?I'm asking because i don't like arturias default knob behavior (turning a knob multiple times to reach a certain value)
3.i know that i can use an external audio interface (like my Roland Duo Capture EX)together with a midi controller if i use a (powered) USB hub...does it work with iSpark and the LE controller as well?Anybody tested?
4.i've read that you can remap the knobs functions if you push"select"on the hardware and turn a knob.That's at least possible with the desktop software but is it possible in iSpark as well?
thanks in advance!