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Author Topic: Beatstep Pro Hardware not Syncing to Midi Control Centre workaround.  (Read 2727 times)


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I managed to upgrade all the firmware in following Arturia's 'work arounds' to the letter, both in OSX 10.09.05 and Windows 7. However the option to 'Sync' within the software was remaining greyed out, therefore disallowing me to sync the software with the Beatstep Pro hardware. So after reading all the threads here and following advice I just decided to uninstall this software, as I found an older version of Midi Control Centre in Arturia's Beatstep Pro resource page. To cut a very long and dull story short, it works. Try downloading an older version of the Midi Control Centre Software if your having issues with syncing the latest MCC software with the Beatstep Pro. Hope it Helps ......
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 05:01:53 am by Arp »


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Re: Beatstep Pro Hardware not Syncing to Midi Control Centre workaround.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2016, 03:08:33 pm »
That whole feature was removed in later versions. It doesn't work that way anymore- you just make your changes in MCC and then save them to the hardware.

I guess if you really want to, you could use an old version, but you loose the ability to change settings that were introduced more recently, like waiting for the end of a pattern to change to another one.


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