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Author Topic: Beatstep Pro Clock moves too fast and Drums trigger on release.  (Read 5697 times)


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Beatstep Pro Clock moves too fast and Drums trigger on release.
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:53:28 am »
I have two main problems I haven't been able to solve with the Beatstep Pro for months. The first is that Clock Out runs way faster then what the tempo is set to. The second is drums in my Eurorack modular only trigger after releasing the pad not on pressing. Without being able to clock and sequence drums the unit is pretty much useless to me. Does anyone have any solutions? And yes I'm running latest firmware and cleared pattern.


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Re: Beatstep Pro Clock moves too fast and Drums trigger on release.
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 09:33:14 am »
hmm Hi inkuplex

if you have not already i would try mucking around with these setting in the mcc with the beatstep pro

controller map pad play mode gate/ toggle

cv gate mode
seq1 gate v trig/ s trig
seq2 gate v trig/ s trig

drum gate mode positive/ negative

sync clock in out 48ppq 24ppq 1step

tempo project or global
last the gate time on the steps play around with length.   

if none that works you might have to get a
midi to cv module that will be able to converter midi clock to just plain clock
also check out the facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/arturiabeatsteppro/
there is tons of info and people who know the beatstep pro in and out
best of luck regards dog01


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