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Author Topic: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)  (Read 12155 times)


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Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:50:09 am »
I have one major feature suggestion and a major enhancement:

Major Feature: make it truly modular system.  Make it so that modules can be placed arbitrarily in a growable rack.  Have a library of modules to choose from and put in as few or as many as you need for a given patch.

Major Enhancement:  Make the UI elements larger.  The UI is simply too dang small.  The knobs are hard to see properly and the numbers are so tiny, I have to zoom in my screen to read them easily.  Perhaps each module can magnify when you are working with it and/or you can zoom in and out of the UI - magnify it to easier see the part you are working with and zoom back when you are done.  To try and make the dot on the knobs a little more visible, I went in and changed the dot from white to red on every frame of almost every knob before I got burnt out on it.

Also, a major update to the TAE for a more accurate simulation of the analog circuitry.


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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 11:48:47 am »
I am particularly interested in hearing something from somebody at Arturia about this (and if there even is going to be any new, major updates).  Anybody from Arturia monitoring these forums?


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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2013, 09:00:29 am »
I have one major feature suggestion and a major enhancement:

Major Feature: make it truly modular system.  Make it so that modules can be placed arbitrarily in a growable rack.  Have a library of modules to choose from and put in as few or as many as you need for a given patch.

I second that!  A true modular approach would be HUGE.  After all, a real modular is…well…modular.  And that's the whole point, you can build up what you want.  How many times have you wished for another couple of oscillators, or another VCA or VCF?  Me…many times!  Yet there are many modules in the standard instrument that I almost NEVER use…all this envelop modules for example.  I'd trade those in on lots of other things in a second. 
Major Enhancement:  Make the UI elements larger.  The UI is simply too dang small.  The knobs are hard to see properly and the numbers are so tiny, I have to zoom in my screen to read them easily.  Perhaps each module can magnify when you are working with it and/or you can zoom in and out of the UI - magnify it to easier see the part you are working with and zoom back when you are done.  To try and make the dot on the knobs a little more visible, I went in and changed the dot from white to red on every frame of almost every knob before I got burnt out on it.

Also, a major update to the TAE for a more accurate simulation of the analog circuitry.

I'd like to add… how about that screwy mixer?  Can we have something that actually makes sense?  And the sequencer…geez, if you ever wanted to make a case for real hardware vs virtual, that thing would be the basis.  Almost impossible to tune steps.  It's a wild beast of frustration.  I'd also like a module that did some simple analog operations, like inversion, DC offset adjust, gain…not sure if Mg did that in hardware, but it would be great to have in this thing. 

For me, I'm not hung up on virtualizing a real Mg Modular accurately, as far as what modules are in it, but I'd love to have an instrument I could "build" from a large pallet of modules, then save that entire thing in a patch.  Now if you guys could do that, you'd go beyond just the 55, and give things like the Serge a run for the money!  The Serge modules are way more loaded, and the typical rack-up ends up with far more complex capabilities.  I'm not asking for a virtual Serge, though that would be great, just the above flexible module layout.


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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2013, 05:54:45 pm »
Since that topic came up again, here are a couple of other suggestions and remarks...

I also agree with more modularity, in the sense of more freedom to choose modules. For instance, I would like to be able to unload the fixed filter bank, and replace it by a second sequencer, and I would like to be able to freely patch the delay.

Another point would be to have more patchable outputs, rather than just the two standard ones.

I'd like to add… how about that screwy mixer?  Can we have something that actually makes sense? 

I don't find the mixer so bad. The only point I would like to see corrected is to be able to use them as proper VCA's Currently, if using a modulation Envelope as modulation source in the mixer, it seems impossible to have the signal really go to silence, if the envelope goes to zero.

And the sequencer…geez, if you ever wanted to make a case for real hardware vs virtual, that thing would be the basis.  Almost impossible to tune steps. 
Well, I guess that's what the dedicated "sequencer inputs" on the oscillators are for. However, they always give perfect tuning.

It's a wild beast of frustration.  I'd also like a module that did some simple analog operations, like inversion, DC offset adjust, gain…not sure if Mg did that in hardware, but it would be great to have in this thing. 

But, most importantly, I hope that some of the long standing bugs will be fixed some day. Example is the SINE out of the Oscillators, which sometimes freezes in pitch and does not react to keyboard pitch or sequencer anymore (while the other waveforms do).

Also, it would be great if the response of the 12dB filters could be improved. Right now, there is a significant lag when the frequency is changed rapidly (e.g. through key tracking). Even if the that might be (?) a feature of the hardware, it would be great if one could switch that off.

I really hope that there will be a version 3 of the modular one day, as (apart from these issues) it is a great synth.



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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2014, 12:50:48 am »

Agree on tHe suggestions. The GUI size increase would be very welcome.




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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2015, 07:09:57 pm »

My suggestions:

1.) Ability to enlarge GUI and higher resolution on labels

2.) A true module system where we can start with an empty rack and add individual Moog modules would be awesome.

3.) Add module 905 Reverbation Unit please.

4.) Disappointed I have to 'OSC Sync' trigger the VCA in order to get any sound to work with Module minus Keyboard.  (Shouldn't I be able to direct patch from VCO to VCA and have sound from the get go?  i.e. OSC are always on. 


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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2015, 05:57:50 pm »
I would like it to sync to my DAW, so when I hit record the ModV sequencer plays in sync with the tempo of the DAW.
I LOVE the idea of being able to build your own set up out of modules and then save that.


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Re: Suggestion for v3 (if there ever is going to be one)
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2016, 07:02:53 pm »
Major Feature: make it truly modular system.  Make it so that modules can be placed arbitrarily in a growable rack.  Have a library of modules to choose from and put in as few or as many as you need for a given patch.

Yes please! At least let me use as many instances of any given type that is room for. Eg there is only one trigger delay allowed even if I remove other modules. Of course more LFOS, VCFs and VCAs would probably be more useful.

Another point would be to have more patchable outputs, rather than just the two standard ones.

You mean the plugin outputs? There should be at least one stereo pair for each availabe VCA. Currently this ould mean 2in/4out, but if 2 "auxillary" VCAs were added, we're up to 2in/8out.

But why only one (stereo) input? Let's add another one for good measure :) 4in/8out sounds about right for a huge synth like this.

3.) Add module 905 Reverbation Unit please.

For those who don't like the current mixer:

901 - VCO (only one OSC, but output of the wave forms may be attenuated)
984 - 4X4 matrix mixer
995 - attenuators

For those who want more fun with the sequencer:

962 - sequential switch

One more filter won't hurt ;)

991 - filter and attenuator

I really like the idea to be able to replace the huge combo of one 901A with three 901Bs with any combination of 901, 901A and 901B to get the number of OSCs and LFOs I desire. Will make me feel like a veeeery rich kid in the sixties ;)



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